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ArcGIS StoryMaps

What’s New in the ArcGIS StoryMaps Briefings App (August 2024)

By Aditya Allamraju and Leah Jaques

Quickly consolidate critical information into shareable slides with briefings in the ArcGIS StoryMaps builder and experience a new way to create presentations of your dynamic maps and more. With the companion ArcGIS StoryMaps Briefings app, available in the iOS, Android, and Microsoft app stores, you can present your briefings on tablets and Windows computers anywhere, anytime, even offline. Next time you need to share information on the go, provide your audience with the meaningful context of your interactive data using the Briefings app.

What’s New in the Briefings App

The Briefings app has been updated and now you can find enhancements to managing your downloaded briefings, improved express map pop-ups, and view the ArcGIS StoryMaps code block and time-enabled layers in maps and scenes in the app. 

View and copy code snippets

The ArcGIS StoryMaps code block helps you display and share code in a range of languages with your audience. Built-in syntax highlighting and line numbers help make your code more understandable and a copy button makes it easy to share. With our August update, you can now view and copy code block snippets in the Briefings app and access the code block even when you download your briefing and take it offline. The code block supports the following programming languages: Plain text, ArcGIS Arcade, C#, CSS, Diff, HTML, JavaScript, Java, JSON, JSX, Kotlin, Python, R, SQL, SVG, Swift, TSX, and TypeScript. Here’s an example of how to view and copy code in an offline briefing:

Display time-enabled layers in maps and scenes

If a web map, web scene, mobile map package, or mobile scene package is configured with time-enabled layers, you can now access the time-slider widget when you view them in the Briefings app. Mobile map and scene packages with time-enabled layers in your downloaded briefings also display the time slider when viewed offline. Please note that if you are using a briefing slide layout where the map or scene is displayed at 30% of the slide, then the time-slider widget will appear when you select to expand the map or scene.

Improved management of downloaded briefings

To help you optimize the amount of storage downloaded briefings use on your device, a new Manage Storage option has been added to the Settings page in the Briefings app. Underneath it you can view the total amount of storage used by the briefings downloaded on your device. If you use the Briefings app on a shared device, you will see the total amount of storage consumed by briefings both you and other device users have downloaded. You can select the Manage Storage option to easily remove your downloaded briefings from your device as well as all of the briefings downloaded to your device by other users.

Enhanced express maps pop-ups

When you view pop-ups in an express map from the Briefings app, pop-ups with images and videos now have support for fit and fill aspect background configurations.


Example of an image with Fit aspect and theme background, attribution configured inside an express map pop-up.
Example of a video with attribution configured inside an express map pop-up.

Improved autoplay of briefings

The Briefings app supports Autoplay of slides when selected from the app settings page. Once you enable Autoplay, you can view a play button on the header inside a briefing that when selected advances the slides to automatically transition in 15-second intervals. In this update, we have improved the experience of Autoplay to show a smoother progression between slides.

Stay tuned for more!

We regularly release new enhancements and bug fixes to improve your experience with the ArcGIS StoryMaps Briefings app. To learn more about briefings, please review the following resources:

We encourage you to try briefings and let us know your thoughts through the in-app feedback form or in the Esri Community.

Take your briefings offline with the ArcGIS StoryMaps Briefings app (ver. 1.5.7) available now for Android and iOS tablets and Windows computers and tablets.

Download the briefings tablet app on the Apple App Store
Download the Briefings app on your iPad
Download the briefings tablet app on the Google Play Store
Download the Briefings app on your Android tablet
Get the ArcGIS StoryMaps Briefings app from the Microsoft Store
Download the Briefings app on your Windows tablet or computer

Android ARMv8 (64bit)

Windows (64 bit)

Please note that the minimum system requirements are Android 8.0 (API level 26), iOS 14, and Windows 10.0.19041.0.

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