
Developer credentials: What's new and improved

With the latest release, significant changes have been made to how developers create credentials to access secure resources in ArcGIS. This article guides you through the updates and provides essential information to help you understand the new experience.

In this article we will discuss:

Motivations for change

Our primary focus was to make API keys more functional, performant, and secure:

The status of existing API keys and apps

The new experience is available starting June 27, 2024. In the documentation, when referring to API keys created before this date, they will be referred to as API keys (Legacy).

Here’s what this means: 

What’s new

Enhanced functionality

Improved performance and security

New workflows

New developer guide resources

To learn more about how use developer credentials, go to the new Security and authentication guide. Here you will find information about the following:


We hope this article has helped you understand why we made these changes, in addition to what has changed.

If you still have any questions, send them to Esri Community > Developer Questions. We will keep updating this Developer credentials: What’s new and improved FAQ document.

About the authors

Developer on the Developer Experience (DX) team, looking for ways to improve the DX through better educational resources, developer tools, and community support among other things.


Courtney Yatteau is a developer advocate on the Developer Experience team. She is responsible for outreach and awareness related to Esri's developer SDKs and APIs. Before Esri, Courtney worked in the secondary education field, teaching computer science and mathematics.


George is a product engineer for the Developer Experience team. He is responsible for maintaining Esri's documentation on open source libraries.


Allan Laframboise is the product engineering lead for documentation for the Developer Experience team.

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