ArcGIS Business Analyst

What's new in ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise | May 2024

ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise allows users to share spatial and business analytics, publish demographic and customer insight dashboards, apply location intelligence to decision-making, and develop repeatable workflows that link common tasks together. With Business Analyst Enterprise, users can enhance their on-premises infrastructure using Esri’s latest location-based analysis tool.  

The latest Business Analyst Enterprise release was on May 23, 2024 and it was jam-packed with updates. Business Analyst Enterprise includes a variety of products, and this release includes updates within the following products: 

Now, let’s dive right into the details.  


ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Server updates 

ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Server is a server engine for Esri’s industry-leading demographic data. With this tool, users can find location facts and demographic characteristics for places around the world. For this release, we’ve made the following updates: 


Enhanced Point of Interest (POI) semantic search

ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App updates

Below, we have broken down a high-level list of the updates in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App within Business Analyst Enterprise 11.3.  

 Please note – Business Analyst Web App updates in Business Analyst Enterprise are usually a release behind the online Business Analyst Web App updates. These updates align with the most recently released version of the web app, in February 2024. 

New Suitability Analysis workflow

Business Analyst widget in Experience Builder updates:

The Business Analyst widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder is a popular and well-loved tool that provides users with the ability to view additional information about any point or polygon feature on a map through the creation of reports and infographics. Here are some of the latest updates we have made: 

For more details on Business Analyst Web App and the Business Analyst widget in Experience Builder, view our recent blog articles: 


ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro updates: 

The latest release for Business Analyst Pro was on May 6, 2023. Improvements in Business Analyst Pro 3.3 included the new color-coded layer workflow, as well as the introduction of semantic search in Business Analyst data-consuming workflows. 

 For the most recent updates to Business Analyst Pro, please view the following blog articles: 


We’re so happy to share the latest 2024 release updates of ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise with you! Below, we’ve added resources to help you with your ArcGIS Business Analyst journey: 


About the author

Fizza Chaudhry is the Product Marketing Manager for ArcGIS Business Analyst. She is a visionary and innovative marketer with expertise in SaaS, creative marketing and applying a user-first mindset to develop powerful marketing tools for customers.

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