ArcGIS Enterprise

Navigating the 2024 UC with ArcGIS Enterprise

Get ready to elevate your UC experience with ArcGIS Enterprise! 

The highly anticipated 2024 Esri User Conference is just around the corner, kicking off at the San Diego Convention Center from July 15-19. This year, there is a new app that makes creating your personal agenda easier than ever, allowing you to access tailored agendas filled with in-demand sessions that will deepen your understanding of enterprise GIS.  

These sessions cover a wide range of topics, including the latest advancements in cloud-native technology, best practices for architecting deployments, and how to leverage distributed collaboration. Additionally, get tips and tricks on upgrading your systems, publishing content, tuning and scaling your deployment, and more.  

To ensure you get the most out of this event, check out these new curated schedules that map out which technical sessions to attend based on your specific role and needs. Whether you are a GIS Professional or an IT Professional, there’s an ArcGIS Enterprise UC agenda tailored specifically for you. Browse the following custom schedules to get started! 

In addition to the custom agendas, also check out the related materials tied to each session so you can come prepared with questions for our experts while you’re on site.


Can’t Miss Sessions

Whether you are new to ArcGIS Enterprise or are a seasoned power user, there are a few UC 2024 sessions you won’t want to miss. Check out our “Can’t Miss” sessions below:

ArcGIS Enterprise: What’s New
ArcGIS Enterprise is always evolving with new functionality and enhancements. This presentation shares what’s new in recent releases, from administrative enhancements to mapping, data management, and more. Find out how these capabilities advance and expand your own organization’s use of ArcGIS Enterprise.

View the Latest on Release:

ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes: Is It for Me?

This presentation will delve into real-world experiences from customers who have navigated the decision-making process of integrating Kubernetes into their GIS operations. Gain a deeper understanding of the practical benefits and challenges associated with ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes. Learn about preparation strategies, deployment experiences, and the overall impact of adopting Kubernetes.

Keep Exploring Kubernetes:

ArcGIS Enterprise: The Road Ahead 

Get a sneak peek into the exciting developments planned for upcoming releases on Windows, Linux, and Kubernetes. Join our presenters as they unveil the roadmap and share insights into how these enhancements will empower your data science, big data, and imagery projects. 

Beyond these must-attend sessions, continue growing your ArcGIS Enterprise knowledge with sessions based on your skillset. Explore various custom-designed agendas that align with your professional needs and interests. 


GIS Professionals

GIS professionals interested in learning how to enhance organizational effectiveness through content sharing, join us for the technical session: ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise: Better Together? You will learn the fundamentals of how to set up distributed collaboration, configure settings, and manage shared content, as well as the spectrum of ways in which ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise can be used together.  

With data being an integral part of mapping, analysis, and decision-making workflows, more advanced enterprise GIS users can get a high-level understanding of the data storage landscape in ArcGIS Enterprise. Attend this session, ArcGIS Enterprise: Data Storage Strategies, to learn how you can leverage various storage options in your own organization and check out this blog for more information on Data Management at the UC. 

Get Started with Distributed Collaboration: 

Dive into Data Storage:

For more ArcGIS Enterprise sessions curated to GIS Professionals, check out this custom agenda.


IT Professionals

IT Professionals wanting to bring even more options (and results!) to your users and your organization, attend the session ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise: Architectural Patterns and Practices. Learn how to capitalize on the unique strengths of each product and to plan for and build the best possible system for your organization.

To take your enterprise GIS experience in IT a step further, learn how to design, deploy, and operate GIS systems by attending the session Well-Architected Framework: An Overview. Once you’ve mastered architectural best practices, attend ArcGIS Enterprise: Best Practices for Upgrading where you’ll learn how to efficiently and effectively upgrade your deployment, from planning to completion, so that you can approach upgrades with confidence.

Learn Architectural Patterns: 

More on Upgrading: 

For more ArcGIS Enterprise sessions curated to IT Professionals, check out this custom agenda: 

To view more sessions at the 2024 User Conference, you can View the UC Detailed Agenda. Remember to also visit the Expo and stop by the various ArcGIS Enterprise kiosks! 

Expo Hours:  

Stay up to date on all things ArcGIS Enterprise at the 2024 UC by connecting with us on X. See you in San Diego! 


About the authors

Riley is a Product Marketer for ArcGIS Enterprise at Esri. She is passionate about product communications and product advocacy on social media. In her free time, she loves to hike, paint, and soak up the southern California sun. To learn more about ArcGIS Enterprise, follow us on X at @ArcGISXprise.


Brittany is a Product Marketing Manager on the Operational Intelligence team at Esri. In her career she has gained knowledge and experience in multiple industries including Defense Aviation and Global Hospitality. She is passionate about sharing how location intelligence can enable the world to solve its most complex challenges, from Esri customers and beyond.


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