ArcGIS Data Reviewer

Improving Data Quality in Your Authoritative Address Repository Webinar Q&A

On April 23, we held a webinar on Improving Data Quality in Your Authoritative Address Repository.

Address data is critical to efficient delivery of services such as emergency response, billing, elections management, and cost-effective commerce in a community. ArcGIS Data Reviewer, an extention to ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro, can help detect errors in and improve the quality of your authoritative address repository. It helps automate and simplify data quality management workflows so you can be more productive, trust your data, and make better-informed decisions. In the webinar, we explored:

Watch the webinar recording and explore our Q&A from the live session in this blog.


Technical Questions

Is there an instructor-led training for ArcGIS Data Reviewer in ArcGIS Pro?

There are many resources that are available to help you get up and running with Data Reviewer. These include a learning path that includes a series of articles and videos that cover the basics of how Data Reviewer supports the implementation of an efficient and repeatable quality control program. For those who are tasked with implementation, the Esri Academy provides a learning plan that includes a certified web course that covers the implementation basics of ArcGIS Data Reviewer.


Attribute Rules are available in ArcGIS Pro without the Data Reviewer license. What does the Data Reviewer license add to that?

Data Reviewer is an integrated capability in attribute rule-based workflows, that provides a library of no-code, ready-to-use checks that identify common errors found in GIS data. It also provides error lifecycle management to aid in keeping track of errors and the error review process. By comparison, Arcade-based attribute rules can provide more fine-grained control in identifying errors but require familiarity with ArcGIS Arcade.


How do you set up a geodatabase to use or enable Data Reviewer?

The Data Reviewer quick-start tutorials provide sample data and step-by-step guidance on implementing and leveraging multiple types of attribute rules using ArcGIS Pro.


Can “Evaluate Rules” be run on user-defined polygons?

The Evaluate Rules geoprocessing tool supports the ability to limit the features for evaluation through the use of an Extent parameter. See the tool’s help topic for more information.


From the demo, do the expressions through Arcade come preloaded with the Address Management solution or were those custom created beforehand?

The Arcade expressions come with the Address Data Management solution. See the introduction to address data management help topic for more information.


Will Attribute Rules cause file geodatabase schema locks?

Attribute Rules are stored within the feature class, so any updates or additions to rules create a schema lock while the rule changes are applied. That is the only time Attribute Rules create a schema lock.


Do these rules work on versioned databases or only the default?

In branch-versioned geodatabases, attribute rules support both the Default, as well as, named versions. See the introduction to attribute rules help topic for more information.


Is there a quick comparison of what is available on traditional vs branched versioning?

Please take a look at our Help documentation, which explains the differences.


Does the data need to be versioned to apply spatial validation rules?

Validation attribute rules support non-versioned geodatabase such as file and mobile geodatabases, as well as, branch versioned enterprise geodatabases.


What about address range gaps?

Unless these can be handled by a query an arcade rule would need to be built for your specific logic.


Can Data Reviewer be used on parcel data?

Yes, Data Reviewer can be used on parcel data in a similar way to addresses and streets but can include polygon checks as well.


What’s the difference between Data Reviewer and topology rules?

Geodatabase topology and Data Reviewer are both capabilities that support the creation and management of high-quality data. There are advantages to using both capabilities in data management workflows. A key difference between these capabilities is the aspects of a feature’s quality that can be assessed. Data Reviewer checks are used to assess multiple aspects of a feature’s quality. This includes the ability to identify data quality issues related to a feature’s integrity, attribution, as well as a feature’s spatial relationship to other features. For a complete list of Data Reviewer checks, review the ArcGIS Data Reviewer Checks poster.

A geodatabase topology is used to enforce a spatial relationship between features in a geodatabase. This includes assessment of spatial relationships such as overlaps, intersections, and gaps. For a complete list of topology rules, review the ArcGIS Geodatabase Topology Rules poster.


NG911 requirement: can we have a curve in a road centerline, or a regular segment made of multiple vertexes?

NG911 requirements don’t specify, either should work.


We access our address data via feature services (branch versioned data). Are constraint rules supported in such an architecture?

The above deployment is one of several deployments supported by constraint attribute rules. Constraint attribute rules are supported in file and mobile geodatabases and multi-user enterprise geodatabases that are either branch or traditional versioned.


How is the error layer created in a branched database?

Attribute rule error layers are a series of system-maintained datasets that store error features created during evaluation of either a batch calculation or validation attribute rule. These datasets are automatically created when the first batch calculation or validation rule is created in a geodatabase. See the evaluate attribute rules help topic for more information.


Can one error layer be used for multiple layers?

Yes. The error layers are per geodatabase and store the error geometry (points, lines, polygons) for all features classes/tables.


Can you automate these Data Reviewer rules to run?

The Evaluate Rules geoprocessing tool can be used to automate the evaluation of either batch calculation or validation attribute rules. See the tool’s help topic for more information.


Are constraint rules supported in branch-versioned feature services?

Yes! Constraint attribute rules are supported in branch-versioned enterprise geodatabases that are shared as a feature service.


Do attribute rules work with hosted feature layers from ArcGIS Online?

Attribute Rules are not currently supported in ArcGIS Online. Please visit the ArcGIS Online Ideas site in the Esri Community and add your feedback to that requested feature.


What types of geodatabases are supported with attribute rules

All Attribute rule types are supported in single-user geodatabases such as file and mobile geodatabases and multi-user enterprise geodatabases that are branch versioned. Immediate Calculation and Constraint attribute rules are supported in traditional-versioned enterprise geodatabases.


Can attribute rules be used between different datasets?

Attribute Rules are stored in a geodatabase and support those features and tables that are stored within the same geodatabase. If you create a copy, you can share it with others.


Licensing Questions


How are Data Reviewer’s “Ready to Use Rules” licensed?

Data Reviewer is available as an extension to both ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise. In attribute rule workflows, a Data Reviewer and an ArcGIS Pro standard license are required when creating and evaluating features stored in file/mobile geodatabases. When sharing feature services that contain Reviewer-based attribute rules, a Data Reviewer for Server and ArcGIS Server Standard edition are required.


Does ArcGIS Online support Data Reviewer?

Currently, Data Reviewer does not support data hosted on ArcGIS Online. That said, we would love to get your feedback on the data quality challenges that you are face when using AGOL. Please feel free to contact the team ( to discuss your needs.


Does the Data Reviewer extension incur additional costs?

ArcGIS Data Reviewer is an extension for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise and requires a license. You can find more information here.


Do I need to install Data Reviewer?

There is no separate installation required for Data Reviewer in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise.


Can I test Data Reviewer before purchase?

Yes, there is a 21-day free trial for ArcGIS Data Reviewer that provides guidance and multiple resources to help you get started. Sign up for the trial here.


For more information on ArcGIS Data Reviewer, please visit the product page. Did not find the answer you were looking for? Join us on the Esri Community to ask your questions there, and share your ideas. Also, watch the recording of this webinar here: 

About the authors

Jay Cary is a Product Manager in the Esri Professional Services R&D Center. As a product manager at Esri, Mr. Cary is responsible for supporting software product development, marketing, and customer advocacy for multiple product teams. Before joining Esri in 2007, he worked as a program manager with 15+ years of GIS management and consulting experience in both local and federal government sectors.


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