ArcGIS Business Analyst

Infographic design in Business Analyst: Best practices for layers and display modes

Business Analyst infographics are powerful tools for analyzing and consolidating geographic information and—perhaps just as importantly—for presenting that information to others. In addition to running infographics, you can also build infographic templates in the following applications:

Infographic builders in Business Analyst products

Infographics can be viewed in full page, slide, stack, and side-by-side display modes. Building infographics is more than juxtaposing variables, maps, and graphics. There is quite a bit of design involved if you want your template to look just right.

Grouping your infographic template’s content in layers is helpful for organizing the different panels and elements, and enables you to deliver an optimal experience across the different display modes.

The next three sections will go over display modes, layers, and recommended best practices.

Display modes

In the Business Analyst Web App, when you run an infographic from a site’s pop-up menu on the map, it appears in the default full page display. To change the default display mode, go to Preferences > Reports > Infographics > Run infographics and select your desired option.

Select default display

Following is a description of the different display mode options:

Full page infographic display
Stack mode display
Slide mode display
Side by side display mode


Layers are helpful for organizing the different panels and elements, increasing users’ awareness of the content, and facilitating ease of further customization of the template when the need arises. They also enable you to deliver an optimal display experience across the different display modes.

To use layers when building or editing an infographic template in the infographic builder, click Layers.

Layer button's location

The Layers window opens, with all the layers listed in order. Use the arrow keys to move layers up or down in the order. To hide a layer, uncheck the checkbox next to it.

Layers window

Using layers to group and organize the content in your infographic template offers some advantages:

Best practices

Following are some recommend best practices regarding layers and display modes:

Panel options

About the author

I am a Product Engineer and Writer at Esri, focused primarily on the Business Analyst applications for web, mobile and desktop.

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