ArcGIS Experience Builder

Create a custom web application in ArcGIS Experience Builder using Business Analyst widget

The Business Analyst widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder is now out of beta and has been redesigned to allow several customization options. For further information about the new enhancements, read The Business Analyst widget in Experience Builder is out of beta with great new features

This blog article will guide you through the process of creating a web application in ArcGIS Experience Builder using a web map that displays the spatial distribution of Black or African American and White residential segregation in the United States (To learn more about the web map, see Design a web map to analyze residential racial segregation in the U.S.). You will accomplish this task in five steps:

  1. Choose a template and configure it.
  2. Add data to the map.
  3. Pair the map with an infographic.
  4. Set an action trigger to display the infographic interactively.
  5. Configure an Alert widget to provide instructions about the application.

You can also view the final product: Black or African American and White Residential Segregation Web Application ( (To access this application, you must be signed in with an ArcGIS organization account to use the Business Analyst widget).

1. Choose a template and configure it.


The image displays the Foldable template in the gallery.
Th image displays the lock layout toggle button.

2. Add data to the map.


The image displays the steps of clicking Select map on the right-side panel and and then clicking Add new data.
The image displays the Default and Custom map extent options on the right side panel.
The image displays the modified map extent, zoomed into Dallas Fort Worth area.

Now it’s time to pair our map with an interactive infographic.

3. Pair the map with an infographic.


The image displays the steps of choosing Preset mode on the right-side panel and configuring Infographic Settings by selecting Full view mode and turning off both the Run-on Map click and Display Header toggle buttons.

4. Set action trigger to display infographic interactively.




5. Configure an Alert widget to provide information and instructions about the application.




Everything’s working as expected! Now you can publish the web application. Once you have published this web application, viewers of your app can click Census tracts on the map to learn about the degree to which Justice40 categories of disadvantage prevail—or not—in areas of extreme residential concentration as well as key demographic information. Local governments can use this web application to make plans to support equitable communities. Businesses can use the information from this web application to better understand the communities in which they operate and identify where and to whom they can contribute more equitable community outcomes.


Business Analyst widget

Find and use Business Analyst web experience templates


About the authors

Elif is a Product Engineer of Social Analysis and Data Science for the ArcGIS Business Analyst team


Fasil is a Senior Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Business Analyst team.

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