ArcGIS Online

Pop-ups: image essentials

This post was originally published on April 26, 2012, and has been updated. The last previous update was April 2, 2024.

Photos or other images in ArcGIS Online web map pop-ups can add both interest and interesting information. You can add a single photo or add multiple photos which you can display stacked vertically or as a media group navigated horizontally.

Photos can also be stored in feature layer attachments and can be configured for display in different modes. In addition, photos can be included in pop-ups by adding links to photo galleries.

For an overview, see Pop-ups: the essentials. This blog tutorial focuses on using pop-up image elements, covering the essentials to enable you to use them effectively.

About the example map

The following sections use the California – Pop-up image examples map. Once you open the map, Sign In to save the map to your Content. You can also follow along without signing in. Each pop-up configuration is presented in a unique layer, with the layer name and title indicating how the pop-up has been configured.

Open the layer pane from the Contents (dark) toolbar, then toggle the visibility to show only the desired layer and select it. Click Pop-ups from the Settings (light) toolbar to see how the pop-up has been configured. By docking the pop-up, more of it can be seen (see section below).

Image elements

Pop-ups are composed of different elements that are added and configured. To configure layer pop-ups, select the layer in the Layer pane in the Contents (dark) toolbar. Next, click Pop-ups from the Settings (light) toolbar.

Open pop-ups pane

To add an image element, click Add content to display a list of pop-up elements, then choose Image.

Add image element
View larger image

Add images (PNG, JPEG, or GIF format) by entering a URL or obtaining the URL from the contents of a field. Each image element is component of a media element (along with Charts), which  includes a title and description. In addition, image elements can be configured with a title, caption, links to related websites or larger images, and alternative text.

The settings shown below are from the Montgomery Botanical Center example. Experiment with the caption and titles to achieve the desired result.

Image element settings
View larger image

Docking pop-ups

Pop-ups can be docked by clicking the Dock button on the pop-up header. This displays more of the pop-up and makes a significant difference when viewing images.

Shown below is a pop-up from the Montgomery Botanical Gardens example, undocked on the left and docked on the right.

Undocked vs. docked
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Stacked image elements

You can add multiple image elements to create a vertical stack of images that scroll from top to bottom. After adding the first image, click Add content, then choose another Image element.

Stack image elements

Open the California – Pop-up image examples map. To view an example, hide the pop-up for the California: Multiple image elements layer. Move through the images using the scroll bar.

Stacked images

Image elements in media groups

Multiple media (image or chart) elements can be placed in a media group. Media groups are created when you add an image or chart to an existing media element. To create a media group of images, add an image element and expand the pane and click Add media (instead of Add content below it).

Media group
View larger image

The media group provides horizontal access to multiple images rather than stacking image elements. Open the California – Pop-up image examples map and view the pop-up for the California: Media gallery layer. Use the arrows at the bottom right of the pop-up to move to the Next or Previous image.

Image media group

Images in attachments

Attachments are files that are included with features in feature layers. Attachments are typically photos captured using ArcGIS Field Maps, Survey123, QuickCapture, and others, but photos and other documents can also be added via the feature layer item details and ArcGIS Pro. Attachments differ from links in that the images or documents are stored within the feature itself.

Layers with attachments automatically include an Attachments element. If not configured, the Attachments element can be found when you click Add content in the pop-up pane.

Attachments element

The attachments can be configured to open in Auto, List, or Gallery mode. Auto is the default.

Attachments element settings

Open the California – Pop-up image examples map and view the pop-up for the California: Attachments (Auto) and California: Attachments (List) layers to view the differences. Below, Auto is shown on the left, List on the right.

Attachments element settings
View larger image

Web galleries

Another way to include images in your pop-ups is to create a web-based gallery and link to the gallery. There are many options to create image galleries, such as Flickr, SmugMug, ArcGIS Hubs, custom web pages of your own design, and much more.

Open the California – Pop-up image examples map and view the pop-up for the California: Link to web page gallery layer. The photo shown in the pop-up is one of the images in the gallery, and the link opens the gallery itself.

Additional tips

Here’s other tips and considerations for getting the best results using photos and images in pop-ups.

More information

For more information see:

About the author

I am a corporate technology evangelist and geo advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with ArcGIS. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (


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