ArcGIS Online

Using Google Docs in your ArcGIS Online maps

This blog article has been deprecated and is no longer updated.

It has been replaced by: Add Google Drive files to your ArcGIS Online maps and content.

In a previous post, we covered how you can use a spreadsheet (CSV file) from a Web location to add a layer to your ArcGIS Online map. You can do the same using Google Docs by following these simple steps.

In this example we have a Google Docs spreadsheet of crime locations containing latitude and longitude values. Under File choose Publish to the Web.

Image of a Google Docs spreadsheet

In the next dialog change the link setting from the default option of Web page:

Image of Publish to the web dialog

To CSV by opening the drop-down list, as shown below:
Choose CSV

Then copy the URL so you can add it to your map:

Copy URL

Adding from Google Docs using the Map Viewer

Using the map viewer click Add, then choose Add Layer from Web:

Add Layer from Web
Choose CSV and paste the Google Docs URL, as shown below, then click Add Layer:

Add Layer

Once added, you can rename, configure the pop-up, and change symbols, just like any other layer. Below we’ve chosen to symbolize the crimes from our Google Docs spreadsheet based on the time of day:

Symbolize crime layer

Add from Google Docs using ArcGIS Explorer Online

Using Explorer Online click Add Content and choose Import, then CSV:

ArcGIS Explorer Online

Choose Enter URL, as shown below:

Enter URL

Then paste the Google Docs URL into the input. Once you’ve added your Google Docs spreadsheet you can rename it, change symbols, configure pop-ups, and use the layer in Explorer Online dashboards and presentations.

Like other URL-based CSV sources, when the map is opened or refreshed any changes to the layer’s source will be displayed in the map.

For more information see:

About the author

Corporate technology evangelist and advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with the ArcGIS system. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (


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