ArcGIS Online

Discover the powerful new features of the Arcade Editor

In the November 2022 release of ArcGIS Online, we introduced the redesigned Arcade Editor. Along with the release, we published a blog explaining what the Editor is, where you can find it now, the main highlights of the new Editor, and the benefits to you as a user. You can find the blog here.

After you’ve had a chance to read the blog, we’ll dive deeper in this blog to really focus on some of the specific Editor enhancements we made:

The new layout of the Arcade Editor

The Arcade Editor’s layout is made up of four main components, each with their own set of rich features and functionalities to provide you with the best possible expression authoring experience.

1. Action bar

The Action bar’s purpose is to execute your Arcade expression in the Editor and remember the previous result for comparison.

2. Expression window

In the Expression window, you can write Arcade expressions with the help of intelligent suggestions and code completion, as well as other powerful tools like built-in shortcuts.

3. Results window

The panels in the Results window will show you what your expression returned, the outcomes of your Console() function call(s), and the performance of your executed expression.

4. Side panel

The side panel is your go to for in-editor help. In this section, you’ll find information about profile variables relevant to your profile, documentation for constants and functions, a link to the official Arcade documentation, and, in some case, suggestions.

Suggestions and code completion

As soon as you start typing in the Expression window, suggestions will begin to appear and continue to appear until there are no more suggestions. Each suggestion has an icon, a description, and a name.

Types of icons:

Icon Name
Code snippets

When you find the suggestion you want, click on it to add it to the Expression window. By pressing Enter on the suggestion, you can achieve the same outcome.

If you’ve already tried out the redesigned Arcade Editor, you probably noticed that suggestions and code insertions from the in-editor help may come prefilled with placeholders. In the example below, the inputArray_ placeholder in the First() function indicates that we can replace it with our array. The array we want in the First() function in this case is our editorArray, which we defined on Line 1 of the Editor.

Vertical overview bar

You can see where you stand in relation to all of your code by using the vertical overview bar on the right side of the Expression window. It can be especially useful as your Arcade expression grows because it can show you where errors and warnings reside.

Keyboard shortcuts

There are many shortcuts available to you in the Arcade Editor. To simplify things, here is a table of the Arcade team’s favorite shortcuts!

Shortcut Windows Mac
See all shortcuts F1 F1
Format document Shift Alt F Shift Option F
Replace text Ctrl F2 Command F2
See the documentation Ctrl Space Ctrl Space
Find Ctrl F Ctrl F
Execute/run/test the expression in the Expression window Ctrl Shift F5 F5
Comment code (//) Ctrl K C Command K C
Uncomment code (//) Ctrl K U Command K U
Cut Ctrl X Command X
Copy Ctrl C Command C
Paste Ctrl V Command V
Move code up Alt Up Arrow Option Up Arrow
Move code down Alt Down Arrow Option Down Arrow
Go to next error or warning in the Expression window F8 F8

By taking advantage of keyboard shortcuts, you can effortlessly use the Arcade Editor without having to reach for your mouse.

Context menu

When you want to use your mouse instead of your keyboard for shortcuts, there are some useful shortcuts available directly from the context menu in the Expression window. To access the context menu, right-click the Expression window. The context menu does not display all of the Editor’s shortcuts; however, by selecting the Command Palette option, you can locate any shortcut you want to use.

Code colorization

The redesigned Arcade Editor, like the previous version of the Editor, makes use of color to aid readability and debugging. You can see the colorization of code in the Expression window, Results window, and in-editor help. A colorblind-friendly color palette is coming soon!


This release introduced code completion, suggestions, shortcuts, refreshed code colorization, a vertical overview bar, and an updated in-editor doc to the Arcade Editor. To learn more about Arcade and the Arcade Editor, check out the related content and our official documentation.

About the author

Omar is a biotechnologist, geographer and computer scientist who works at Esri as a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript components and Arcade expression language. Omar's main focus is to help develop and integrate modern web components like the Arcade editor which you can now find across ArcGIS Online!

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