ArcGIS Pro

From Features to Pixels, The R-ArcGIS Bridge Gets Your Data

Since the R-ArcGIS bridge’s inception, the requests for raster data support have been heard loud and clear. Which is why, the R-ArcGIS bridge team is excited to share the full technical workshop video from this year’s Dev Summit, featuring the unveiling of the latest version of Esri’s arcgisbinding R package containing the ability to work directly with ArcGIS raster data. The new version of the bridge contains several new additions to support the reading and conversion of Esri supported raster data types, including mosaic datasets, into R. Along with additions, like support for the R package sf and the preservation of spatial information when manipulating data inside popular R packages, like dplyr.

Many of these new features were highlighted in the Dev Summit’s plenary with more in-depth details covered in the technical session on the R-ArcGIS bridge. The session also featured the demonstration of the R-ArcGIS bridge’s compatibility with Microsoft’s enhanced R distribution, including Microsoft R Open and Microsoft R Server, which provides a big data solution for those working in R. Further details on which can also be found in the new blog Bridging Into New Realms: R-ArcGIS Bridge and Microsoft R.

If you are eager to dive into the latest version of the R-ArcGIS bridge, the Learn Team has just unveiled a new ArcGIS Learn Lesson: Identify an Ecological Niche for African Buffalo, which showcases the bridge’s support for raster data. Learn how to define a new region for conservation while utilizing the raster capabilities of both ArcGIS and R. Through the bridge, you can easily transfer raster data back and forth between ArcGIS and R while seamlessly performing manipulations, like making subsets, adjusting pixel size, and resampling, on the fly.

If you are looking to further immerse yourself in the latest R-ArcGIS bridge enhancements, or if you have been waiting for an opportunity to get started, consider attending the full-day, preconference workshop on the R-ArcGIS bridge, Statistical Spatial Data Analysis with R and ArcGIS. The full R-ArcGIS bridge team will be providing a comprehensive, hands-on session detailing all the functionality of the bridge from the basics of how to get started, to advanced R script tool creation, and sharing capabilities. Every section of the workshop will feature real data and R coding practice to help you master the merging of the spatial analysis and mapping prowess of ArcGIS with the statistical programming powers of R.

To stay up-to-date, follow our GeoNet page for all the latest news and resources.

Happy Bridging!

About the author

Marjean Pobuda is a Product Engineer for the Spatial Statistics Team at Esri. She enjoys all things statistics and working on the R-ArcGIS Bridge.


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