ArcGIS Living Atlas

Notification that old Esri Vector Basemaps (version 1) will be retired December 1, 2022

Esri’s vector basemaps and styles are organized by version number.  Currently, version 2 (v2) basemaps are updated on a regular cadence.  We will be retiring all version 1 (v1) vector basemaps on December 1, 2022.  The following versions will be retired and will no longer be available to use in maps and apps:

If you are using a basemap that will be retired, you will need to point your applications to another basemap in general availability.

The current version, version 2 or v2, was first released in December 2017.  If you started using vector basemaps after this date, you likely are using a v2 basemap and don’t need to make any changes.  If you’re unsure, keep reading.

ArcGIS Online users:

If you are the owner of a web map in ArcGIS Online, the easiest way to migrate to the correct version of the vector basemaps is by selecting a basemap in the Map Viewer Basemap Gallery.   If you want to check what basemap is used in your web map, you can go to the item details page for the web map and look for the basemap in the Layers list.  If you are using a deprecated basemap, you should upgrade to a basemap in general availability.

To change your basemap, open your web map in the Map Viewer, select a new basemap from the Basemap Gallery, and save your web map.

ArcGIS Enterprise users:

An administrator will need to confirm that the basemaps in the Basemap Gallery are pointing to v2 vector basemaps.  Once this step is complete, users in your organization can open web maps in the Map Viewer, select a new basemap from the Basemap Gallery, and save the web map.

ArcGIS Pro users:

You can select a basemap in the Basemap Gallery and save your project.

Developers using ArcGIS APIs and SDKs:

When referencing a web map, follow the instructions for ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise users.

If you are referencing a deprecated or retiring basemap by enumeration, by item, or by REST URL, you must modify code to reference a basemap in general availability.  This is a list of the retiring REST endpoints you can check for.

If you have a developer subscription, you should refer to basemaps for developers for more details.

This is an updated notification from January 19, 2022.

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