ArcGIS Online

What's New in Map Viewer (June 2022)

Ecoregions & landforms

The June 2022 Map Viewer update offers performance enhancements and new visualizations created from your requests and our team’s research and curiosity around how fast, clear, and intuitive web cartography can be. Take a look at how fluid and expressive heat maps have become, supporting popups and labeling alongside its inherently rich and nuanced visual presentation.

And hatch fills! A brilliant way to illustrate overlapping areal distributions without losing clarity of shape, form, or location. In addition to communicating spatial relationships, hatched polygon fills bring a variety of texture and pattern opportunities for a beautiful and engaging canvas.
Learn more about hatching and more symbol styler enhancements in Russ’ blog.

We hope you enjoy these new features and functionality and please let us know what you think! You’re welcome to leave comments on this blog, share on the Esri ideas site, or ask a question in the Community. And as always, we love to learn more about how Map Viewer works for you–we’d love to see links to your work!

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Symbol layers

Multilayer symbols have been available in Map Viewer for some time, but with this update you can now style each symbol layer independently of the others. This supports visual differentiation between features within the same category, allowing you to show your features in greater detail without restructuring the data.

In addition to the symbols available in the default symbol styler gallery, you can now publish your web styles with multilayer polygon and line symbols from ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and share them through your organizations style gallery.

Marker fill control
And for polygons representing more natural or irregularly distributed features and phenomena, Map Viewer now supports control for marker distribution within the polygon fill. You can fill a polygon with a symmetrical array of markers or jumble them up with some degree of randomness. And you can control how densely or sparsely they’re spaced–saturating or only lightly dusting the feature polygons.

Adjust density and randomness of markers in fills

Saved and recently used colors

The Map Viewer color picker now gives you the ability to save your colors and select from recently used colors. You’ll find this new feature anywhere color is configured, including: labels, map properties, and both feature and sketch layer styling. Recent and saved colors are persisted in your browser’s cache.


Hatch polygon fills, paired with symbol layers, can range from nuanced textures to wild contrasts — whichever best suits the message you’re trying to convey with your data.

Ecoregions and landforms in Bolivia

Support for Saving Layers

You can now save your feature layer properties such as styling, popups, and filters directly to the layer rather than saving your changes in the web map. This allows you to save multiple representations of the same data and to share your layer configuration across multiple users, maps, and apps to achieve consistency between different authors and items.

Heat Maps: Fast & Fluid

The Map Viewer team has supercharged the Heat Map style with rapid and smooth transitions as you zoom and pan around the map. We’ve also added a locking mechanism with which authors can control how the hotspots behave as users adjust the map scale–either regenerating dynamically or persisting the heat calculation from the map’s default scale.

For more details about Heat Map enhancements, check out Kristian’s blogs linked below:
How to create heat maps that work at all scales
Heat maps now render faster and smoother in the browser

You’ll also find tips and tricks for styling heat maps with feature and layer effects in Mark’s blog!

NYC Tree Heat Map
New York City tree distribution by individual species

Pie & Donuts

Another popular enhancement request comes to life in June 2022: your features can now be symbolized with a pie chart or a ring (fondly called a “donut”) showing your readers which attributes are represented by that feature and which are most dominant.

In addition to adjusting the symbol’s appearance as a ring or as a solid pie chart, you may also drive the overall size by the values in a specific field.

USA Crops by County 2007
USA Crops by County 2007 - Pie Chart Symbols
USA Crops by County 2007 - Ring Chart
USA Crops by County 2007 - Ring Chart

The only thing better than pie and donuts is… more pie and donuts! You’ll also find them within Map Viewer charts, where slices can be defined by category, with unique values in a single field corresponding to each individual slice or defined by one or more numeric fields.

Charts with pie

About the author

Marianne has been working in Esri's cloud since 2015, first with Managed Cloud Services and today as a Product Manager on the ArcGIS Online team. Her early days as a GIS professional found her in boots and trucks as a cartographer and GIS specialist in the great state of Nevada.

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