ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online at the 2022 Esri User Conference

For the first time since 2019, the Esri User Conference will be back in-person in San Diego, California on July 11-15, 2022. With more than 500 sessions, demos, and booths to visit, the User Conference is always a great opportunity to learn about new capabilities, amazing user stories, exciting use cases, and more. If want to learn more about ArcGIS Online, this focused agenda will help you identify ArcGIS Online topics that might be interesting to you and plan your schedule.


Get started with ArcGIS Online

Title Description Day and Time Venue
ArcGIS: An Overview of the ArcGIS System ArcGIS supports systems of record, insight, and engagement and empowers users by enabling workflows for applying location-based analytics to your organization. ArcGIS products include ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Hub and other apps. We will explore these products at a high level and discuss use cases for how it may be applied across an organization. This session is designed for GIS users with limited to no familiarity with the ArcGIS system. July 12, 2022

8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.


Hybrid Session | SDCC – Room 02


ArcGIS Online: An Introduction to Charts See data in a whole new way with charts in Map Viewer! Create beautiful, interactive charts to visualize distributions, categories, relationships, and change. Learn how to view, create, and share charts in Map Viewer. July 12, 2022

1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09


ArcGIS Online: An Introduction to Map Viewer Go from data to impactful maps in minutes with Map Viewer! Come to this session to familiarize yourself with the broad range of Map Viewer capabilities. From simple viewing to sophisticated authoring, learn about new Map Viewer tools and visualization enhancements supporting your creation of beautiful and informative data products. July 12, 2022

2:30 p.m. — 3:30 p.m.


Hybrid Session | SDCC – Ballroom 06 C
ArcGIS Online: An Overview of Smart Mapping Come see live Map Viewer demos showcasing Smart Mapping and its support for quick creation of attractive and informative maps. Watch how layer and feature effects, map styles, intelligent recommendations, innovative color ramps, symbols, pop-ups and labels, and easy customization options bring your data to life. What once took hours or days is now possible in minutes, for experts and novices alike. Attend this session to transform your expectations of what thematic mapping can be. July 12, 2022

4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.

SDCC – Room 30 A


ArcGIS: An Overview of the ArcGIS System ArcGIS supports systems of record, insight, and engagement and empowers users by enabling workflows for applying location-based analytics to your organization. ArcGIS products include ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Hub and other apps. We will explore these products at a high level and discuss use cases for how it may be applied across an organization. This session is designed for GIS users with limited to no familiarity with the ArcGIS system. July 12, 2022

8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.


Hybrid Session | SDCC – Room 10




Master the Fundamentals of ArcGIS Online

Title Description Day and Time Venue
ArcGIS Online: Spatial Analysis


This workshop is an introduction to performing spatial analysis in ArcGIS Online. We will showcase the newly enhanced analysis and charting capabilities in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer and provide an overview of the available tools. Through demonstrations of analysis workflows, we will explore how you can use your organization’s data as well as data from the ArcGIS Living Atlas to discover new trends and solve spatial problems using Map Viewer and other web clients such as ArcGIS Dashboards and Instant Apps. We will introduce ArcGIS Notebooks to automate your spatial analysis workflows. July 12, 2022

8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.

Hybrid Session | SDCC – Ballroom 06 F


ArcGIS Online: Editing in Map Viewer Discover the latest enhancements to Map Viewer editing workflows. July 12, 2022

10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.


SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09


ArcGIS Online: Choosing the Right App Builder Web Apps are the user experience for digital maps and data in ArcGIS Online. The tools and visualizations in apps guide users through the data and help them answer questions. Come to this session to learn about the different App Builders in ArcGIS Online, like Experience Builder, Instant Apps, StoryMaps and Dashboards, and what questions to ask when selecting the right builder for your audience. July 12, 2022

10:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.


Hybrid Session | SDCC – Ballroom 06 D


ArcGIS Online: Best Practices for Web App Accessibility Web Applications provide a user experience for your audience to interact with your data and maps. Designing Apps with accessibility best practices ensures all audiences can easily interact with and understand your information. Come to this session to learn how to optimize support for screen readers, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies across ArcGIS Online. In this session, you will learn about testing accessibility in web apps. You will also be introduced to tools and techniques that ensure you are developing an inclusive app experience. July 12, 2022

11:15 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online: Map Viewer Tips & Tricks Bookmarks, sketch features, labeling spacing, shortcuts, custom symbology, novel cartographic impact—come see a collection of high impact tips and tricks to add that special something to your maps. July 12, 2022

4:00 p.m. — 4:45 p.m.

SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise: Architectural Patterns and Practices It is a common misconception that an organization should use either ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online, when in fact many organizations successfully use both. This session will cover how to choose the deployment that best fits your organizational needs. We will talk about the different forms of hybrid patterns that best take advantage of each environment’s unique strengths to build the best possible system and help you plan. July 13, 2022

8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.


SDCC – Room 10


ArcGIS Online: Editing in Map Viewer Discover the latest enhancements to Map Viewer editing workflows. July 13, 2022

11:15 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

SDCC – Featured Expo Demo Theater
Authoring Scenes to Power Your Web Apps in 3D Discover the 3D capabilities of the ArcGIS Online Platform and learn how to leverage them to build stunning 3D web applications. This session will cover the fundamentals of authoring web scenes and how to use them as a base for your tailored web application. Driven by data in 2D and 3D and no coding required. July 13, 2022

11:15 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.


SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 06
ArcGIS Online: Collaborating Across Organizations Promote collaborative map and app editing between multiple ArcGIS Online organizations using Partnered Collaboration. Learn how to co-manage groups, maps, apps, and members to create rich inter-organizational content July 13, 2022

1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m.


SDCC – Room 30 B


ArcGIS Online: Designing Dynamic Pop-ups Adventure beyond a simple list of fields to deliver engaging pop-ups telling the story behind your data. We’ll review best practices, tips and tricks, and offer dynamic examples from the Living Atlas and beyond. July 13, 2022

1:15 p.m. — 2:00 p.m.



SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09


Accessibility in ArcGIS Online Join Esri representatives from the Accessibility and ArcGIS Online teams in an exploration and demonstration of accessibility (a11y) features found in ArcGIS Online. Examine how users of assistive technology are impacted by accessibility enhancements, and learn about web accessibility best practices while reviewing ArcGIS Online accessibility functionality, July 13, 2022

2:30 p.m. — 3:15 p.m.


SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 12


ArcGIS Online: Best Practices for Hosted Feature Layers Discover enhancements supporting foundational mapping and data management workflows: Hosted Feature Layer Views, an improved experience for creating new layers and data, and locating key content. July 14, 2022

8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.


SDCC – Room 30 C
ArcGIS Online: Best Practices for Organization Management An overview of and best practices for administering your ArcGIS Online organization, including information for organization members responsible for setting up a new organization, assigning licenses and managing organization members and content. July 14, 2022

10:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.



Hybrid Session | SDCC – Ballroom 06 E



Advance your ArcGIS Online skills

Title Description Day and Time Venue
ArcGIS Online: Managing Users with the ArcGIS API for Python Although it is easier than ever to manage your users through the ArcGIS Online website, managing large organizations with bulk actions are best done via ArcGIS API for Python. In this session, you will learn how to delete a list of users, how to assign licenses, and credit budging workflow as well as advanced workflow for adding users. The session will utilize ArcGIS Notebooks within ArcGIS Online, taking your scripts to the next level. July 12, 2022

2:30 p.m. — 3:15 p.m.

SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online: Best Practices Authoring Scalable Maps Learn how to ensure the stability of public information during high volume use and unexpected spikes in traffic. Emergency events, power outages, public health information: following some best practices, ArcGIS Online can support millions of concurrent users. We’ll also explore privacy and data sensitivity best practices for public layers. July 13, 2022

2:30 p.m. — 3:30 p.m.


SDCC – Room 09
ArcGIS Online: Automating Data Updates In this session, you will learn how to automate data updates using the ArcGIS API for Python. The focus will be on creating a notebook that appends a file geodatabase to an existing hosted feature layer, both adding new records and updating existing data. If you’re supporting data update workflows which rely on local data sources such as CSV files or file geodatabases, this demo theater is a must-see! July 14, 2022

11:15 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.


SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online: Publishing and Sharing Pro Symbology Learn how to author maps using Esri default complex symbology and CIM Symbols and how to publish and share your own symbol galleries. We’ll also look at symbol layers and how to optimize your Pro-to-Online symbology workflows. July 14, 2022

12:15 p.m. — 1:00 p.m.

SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online: Optimizing Arcade Workflows Learn about Arcade content elements and other features unique to leveraging Arcade in the ArcGIS Online ecosystem. Whether new to Arcade or an expert in another product, you will learn something new in this presentation. Ideal for anyone working at or toward advanced levels of Arcade use in ArcGIS Online. July 14, 2022

1:15 p.m. — 2:00 p.m.


SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online: Advanced Methods for Managing Hosted Data Optimize large dataset workflows to fully leverage ArcGIS Online technologies promoting scalability for high volume editing, system integration, and visualization workflows. Compare different methods of updating data and find the optimal approach for your requirements. July 14

2:30 p.m. — 3:30 p.m.




SDCC – Room 30 B
ArcGIS Online: Arcade Features and Functionality Arcade is a portable expression language extending throughout the ArcGIS ecosystem, but understanding its entry points within ArcGIS Online specifically will expedite and enhance your worfklows. Learn how and where to access Arcade in ArcGIS Online to write expressions for symbol rotation, labeling, popups, and visualizations which will transform your data into information with precision, style, and clarity. July 14, 2022

2:30 p.m. — 3:30 p.m.


SDCC – Room 30 C


Ask our team

Title Description Day and Time Venue
ArcGIS Online Licensing and Credits: Ask Me Anything Join team members from Product Management and Global Business Development for an “Ask Me Anything” style interview about all things related to licensing and credits. July 12, 2022

12:15 p.m. — 1:00 p.m.

SDCC – Expo Demo Theater 09
ArcGIS Online: Q&A with the Product Teams July 14, 2022

4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.

SDCC – Room 33 ABC


What’s New

Title Description Day and Time Venue
ArcGIS Online: What’s New Revisit some of the standout additions and enhancements from 2021. July 13, 2022

10:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.

SDCC – Ballroom 06 E


We look forward to connecting with you at the Esri User Conference. In addition to these sessions, we will have a showcase area where you can chat with the members of the ArcGIS Online team. Additionally, you can also print this flyer that details everything you need to know about ArcGIS Online at the User Conference (demos, sessions, and map of the showcase area).

If you haven’t registered yet, check out your registration options here. Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.


ArcGIS Online Team

About the author

Princess was a senior product marketing manager for ArcGIS Online, Esri's flagship mapping and analysis software-as-a-solution tool. She is an alumna of the University of the Philippines and the University of Southern California. Aside from her experience in marketing groundbreaking technology products, she is passionate about sustainability and social equality.

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