ArcGIS Blog

The ArcGIS JavaScript API is now available to the public

The new ArcGIS JavaScript API and its accompanying online SDK are now available
for public use. With the ArcGIS JavaScript API you can add GIS functionality to
your Web applications with JavaScript code that runs in the browser. The online
SDK includes help and samples for the API and is hosted within the ArcGIS
Server Resource Center
web site.

Who can use the ArcGIS JavaScript API? Is there a cost?

Everyone can use the ArcGIS JavaScript API. There is no fee for using the ArcGIS
JavaScript API or deploying an application built with it.

How do I learn how to use the ArcGIS JavaScript API?

The best way to learn the API is to visit the ArcGIS JavaScript API home page.
If you’re brand new to JavaScript programming, there are walkthrough topics to
help you understand what JavaScript is and how to start working with it in
ArcGIS. If you have more experience developing with JavaScript, you might take
a look at the live samples. The samples cover a range of topics and each
contains a discussion of what is happening in the code. Finally, a detailed API
reference describes each class available in the API.

What services does the API work with?

The ArcGIS JavaScript API works with ArcGIS Server 9.3 services, which are
exposed through REST technology. If you haven’t received or deployed 9.3 yet,
you can still get started learning the API using several ESRI Sample Servers
that have been configured for this purpose. The API also consumes ArcGIS Online
services. This sample shows how you can add an ArcGIS Online layer to a
JavaScript application.

What else do I need to know?

Two ArcGIS JavaScript Extensions were also released at the same time as the
ArcGIS JavaScript API:

We’ll be posting more information about these shortly. In the meantime, enjoying
exploring their online SDKs.

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