ArcGIS for Power BI

ArcGIS for Power BI: All the tools you need to create awesome maps

ArcGIS for Power BI introduces a new way to access the map tools you’ll need to create compelling maps in Power BI.

As a report designer, you can create and customize beautiful maps that let you tell your story without worrying about widgets hiding the map or report consumers changing the map’s default state. Consumers see the map exactly as you intended.

Expand the map tools

When you first create a map using ArcGIS for Power BI, the available map tools are all collapsed under the map tools button. Simply click to expand the toolset and you’re ready to get designing!

Report designers can also customize which tools are visible to consumers by clicking a few options in the Power BI format pane.

A map with map tools collapsed, next to a map with map tools expanded

You’ll notice that some of the buttons also expand to offer more options. The Analysis tools let you add infographics cards or reference layers to the map, find locations within a certain distance from a selected point, or find locations with similar attributes. Similarly, different selection tools are available, depending on the type of layers in your map; if you’ve added a reference layer to your map, for example, the Reference Layer Select tool appears alongside the standard Single-Select and Box Select tools.

Use the other tools to search for an address and pin its location on the map, display the Layers list, or change the basemap.

Get more tools in the Format pane

In addition to the map toolset, a series of other tools in the visual’s Format pane allow you to customize map elements such as the Layers list, the map’s extent, the position of infographics cards on the map, and the pin color for search results. You can turn several of these map elements on or off to further refine how your users see the map in the final report.

ArcGIS for Power BI format pane

Take a few minutes to explore the new user interface and discover all the ways you can make your maps and reports shine!

Power BI report with ArcGIS for Power BI map

About the authors

Kathie is a documentation product engineer, creating help and resources for a variety of location analytics apps, including ArcGIS for Power BI and ArcGIS for SharePoint.

I am a Product Engineer working on documentation for Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online. I create resources that help the Esri community understand and apply the latest and greatest tools in Map Viewer. Outside of work, I enjoy running and knitting (though not at the same time).

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