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Secure Data on Your Infrastructure with ArcGIS Data Appliance

Searching for basemaps to use within your infrastructure? ArcGIS Data Appliance includes 50+ basemap styles and elevation services. Ready to deploy on your internal network.

Released annually, ArcGIS Data Appliance provides ArcGIS users with the ability to work online and on-premise. For those organizations with strict data regulations, keeping data internal is important. By deploying basemaps on your infrastructure, your organization adds extra precautions to securing your data analysis. Whether in office or in the field, you can quickly share services and collaborate within your organization.

Esri’s team of professional cartographers and data scientists are carefully reviewing and updating Esri’s basemaps with the latest available data on the market. All basemaps are vetted for accuracy and carefully prepared, using authoritative sources. Helping you to trust in your analysis.

The curated set of basemaps contains 50+ basemap styles, including vector and raster, and elevation services. Basemaps are handpicked and delivered with quality in mind. Keeping you up-to-date and confident in your decision making.

ArcGIS Data Appliance Field Work
ArcGIS Data Appliance is ready to deploy in offline environments.

Key benefits of ArcGIS Data Appliance

Esri Basemaps: Topographic
Get access to over 50+ basemap styles, including the topographic basemap.

Supporting your Data Needs

Looking for Open Street Map (OSM) vector basemaps? Esri will now offer a stand-alone option for OSM. You can also combine both Esri basemaps and OSM vector basemaps to get the best of both worlds!

With the standard ArcGIS Data Appliance, you will receive a curated suite of:

Get Started:

To get started securely sharing data on your infrastructure, email the Esri team at

More information on hardware and software specifications is available on the ArcGIS Data Appliance website.

See documentation.

About the author

Karisa Schroeder manages Esri’s Data and Location Services marketing. She holds an MBA in GIS and Location Analytics from the University of Redlands. Her passion for knowledge is fueled by a love for all things tech, a desire to explore big ideas through scientific practice, and a vision for the future of business intelligence.

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