Minimizing disruptions to facilities and sites

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had an unprecedented impact on businesses and governments alike, which must continue providing essential services with limited resources. To address the current needs of consumers, constituents, and internal workforces while proactively planning for future demands, organizations can leverage location intelligence to assess the status of their facilities in real time. By analyzing the spread of the virus and gaining insight into current market opportunities and restrictions, organizations can optimize their sites for the best use.

Assessing real-time facility status

Understanding the operating capabilities of facilities can be a difficult and time-intensive process for decision-makers, often requiring integration of dispersed data from spreadsheets and emails into a static document. Utilizing mobile surveys, organizations can enable field teams to share real-time updates on their facility status from any device. This streamlined approach to data management allows updates from the field to be automatically added to dashboards and web applications for enhanced situational awareness.

Map showing facility locations in the United States

Optimizing sites to meet opportunities

Understanding which facilities are open, closed, or otherwise impacted by the spread of COVID-19 lays the foundation for reallocating resources to meet current and future market opportunities. Organizations can use location intelligence to determine the best use of a site on a hyperlocal scale, whether that be businesses needing to pivot their in-store operating model to accommodate social distancing and online order fulfillment or governments needing to determine how to safely offer civil services to their constituents.

Dashboard displaying facility statistics

Reopening business sites responsibly

Ensuring a safe and efficient return to business sites requires organizations to proactively assess and reconfigure work spaces to minimize potential contact events. Managers can leverage indoor mapping tools and methodologies for facility planning to address proximity analysis and tracing, density management, and situational awareness to maintain a safe workplace even as incidents occur. Using location intelligence, facility managers can identify high-risk and high-touch locations that need additional safeguards and barriers and understand peak use time to guide sanitization strategies.

Location tracking dashboard displaying facility statistics and walkways


To implement Esri’s technology for facility status requires software and incident data from Esri’s ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, ArcGIS Marketplace, and/or from internal sources. Optional professional services are available for a fee when projects require extra resources.

Recommended software

  • ArcGIS Online

  • ArcGIS Pro

  • Survey123 for ArcGIS

Additional licenses

  • Creator user type

  • Editor user type

  • Viewer user type

Optional software

  • ArcGIS Enterprise

  • Business Continuity Template


How to Reopen the Workplace during COVID-19

COVID-19 has undermined workplace safety in profound ways. This is guide for business leaders on reopening the office and ensuring workplace safely.

Read the article

Esri products for facility status


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