New Analyst

The rise of the business-savvy location analyst

Kwaku Baa of Penske

An Analytics Whiz Learns the Language of Business

A glass conference room hints at the role of GIS analysts in business

Careers in GIS and Business

GIS professionals work in every business sector, as symbolized by these office buildings

From Bytes to Insights—The Growing Role of GIS Professionals in Business

Bridget Brown, HDR GeoIM director

A Location-Savvy Group behind the Construction Boom

Erika Le manages circularity at Rehrig Pacific

Inside the Circular Economy with Smart Maps and Blockchain

Mary Lennon of Fannie Mae

How Fannie Mae Studies Climate Impact on US Housing

An auditorium event represents executive presentations

WhereNext Confidential: Executive Presentations

A sketch of a woman in an office symbolizes gender dynamics at work

WhereNext Confidential: Women in GIS–One Leader's Journey

Data scientists working on computer code

WhereNext Confidential: Wooing Data Scientists

The WhereNext Confidential series symbolized by an \'Answers\' sign

WhereNext Confidential: Pressing Questions, Insider Answers

Darrell Booker of Microsoft focuses on racial equity in his work

How Microsoft Mapped a Path to Community Impact

Tony Yates of Langan

How One AEC Firm Mastered Sustainable Growth

SERVPRO chief meteorologist Lela Davis

How SERVPRO Forecasts Weather—And Business Growth

Matt Finer of Amazon Conservation and MAAP

GeoAI, Corporate Responsibility, and the Vigilance of a Climate Watchdog

Leonard Brinson Jr., CIO of South Jersey Industries

A CIO Finds New Business Value in GIS

A gift representing a holiday wish for GIS analysts

A Holiday Wish List for Business Executives and Analysts

Ali Abedini of TD Bank

TD Bank’s Head of Advanced Analytics on the Art of Curiosity

Sam Lustado of Arup developed an app for EV chargers

Laying the Groundwork for an Equitable EV Future

GIS mistakes and the lessons learned

First Person: Three Mistakes I Made with GIS and What I’ve Learned

DICK’s Sporting Goods store

DICK’s Sporting Goods Strengthens Omnichannel through Brick and Mortar Planning

Kim Morrison describes Newmont\'s tailings management practices

Seeking the Gold Standard for Sustainable Mining

Stephen Roach of Canvas Worldwide

Delivering Fresh Insight to World-Famous Brands

Cyhana Lena Williams, geobusiness pioneer

Breaking Business Barriers: A Pioneer's Story

Michelle Watson of Jacobs manages a team of location analysts

Location Intelligence: Driving Client Value Toward What’s Possible


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