Search Results for: Imagery

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Drones Key to Mapping Massive Barrel Dump Site Off Southern California Coast

A map of dumped barrels off the coast of Southern California provides alarming evidence of ongoing environmental harm.

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Scientists Urge Call for Code Developers to be Open, Inclusive

Esri and IBM have teamed in this year’s Call for Code challenge that seeks solutions for combatting climate change.

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If Our Forests Could Talk: New Maps Spotlight Forestry Concerns in Canada

When Conservation North saw a report of old-growth forest in British Columbia, the group knew an online map was needed to activate conservation.

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How Technology and GIS Students Aided Response to the Great Flood of 2019

Students from Western Illinois University gained hands-on experiences using GIS technologies to monitor and respond to record flooding in 2019.

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Along the Mekong River, Development Creates Sustainability Concerns

The Stimson Center shares a spatial understanding of development and energy projects along the Mekong River and their impacts.

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California’s Water Crisis Hits Farmworkers Hardest, Maps Call Attention

Tulare County, California, used GIS to understand who lives without drinkable water, addressing infrastructure inequities.

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COVID-19: Amazonian Tribe Applies Location Intelligence to Protect Community

The Kuikuro tribe in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest turn from mapping their ancestors to using the same tools to protect themselves.

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COVID-19: Inside Look at the Johns Hopkins Dashboard, Keeping Tabs on the Virus

Ensheng Dong, the architect of the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard, applied his knowledge of GIS to map and track the spread of the disease.

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Earth Day, Nature, and COVID-19: What We’re Learning

The scientific community will tap data about reduced human impact on the earth to provide perspective on the value of more sustainable choices.

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Collecting, Stewarding, and Sharing the Nation’s Environmental Data

Joseph A. Pica discusses the value of a comprehensive repository of oceanic, atmospheric, and geophysical data about our planet.

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How GIS Helps Monitor Cybersecurity Threats to the US Census

The US Census Bureau will monitor a real-time map of decennial census progress to see if disinformation disrupts response rates.

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Lebanese Red Cross Use Location Intelligence to Deliver Aid and Build Trust

The Lebanese Red Cross use GIS to guide 1 million humanitarian aid actions per year, delivering context to build in-country capacity.

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