Search Results for: Equity

displaying 283 results

Enhancing Network Health and Equity with GIS

Learn how to leverage GIS tools for complying with network adequacy and enhancing health equity.

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Enhancing Equity Across Public Works

Public works is responsible for key infrastructure that keeps a community running. Learn how they incorporate equity into their work with GIS.

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Creating Social Equity: Technology, Data, and Justice

D’Artagnan Scorza from LA County explains how location technology is being used to address social injustice in urban LA.

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A State-by-State Look at the Gender Pay Gap

GIS-based maps can help executives understand strengths and weaknesses in their pay structures.

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Laying the Groundwork for an Equitable EV Future

A project called Charge4All provides unprecedented insight into the best—and most equitable—places to install electric vehicle charging stations

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A Roadmap for Racial Equity

Jamal Watkins from the NAACP discusses the role of mapping technology in ending policies that create racial inequity.

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LA’s New Chief Heat Officer Expands Cooling Centers Based on Equity Maps

Los Angeles takes a data-driven approach to extreme heat by mapping communities that require cooling centers.

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Equity and Social Justice: A Publisher’s Journey Using Tech and Geography

Paulette Brown-Hinds from Black Voice News explains how mapping technology brings focus to social justice issues.

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Hiring for Equity and Inclusion during a Pandemic

Managing operations during COVID-19 has required location intelligence. So, too, will hiring a more inclusive workforce.

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Online Schooling Prompts Municipalities to Map Digital Inequities

The effects of unequal access to broadband internet have been exacerbated by effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on some populations.

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Five Ways Smart Maps Have Changed the Business World

Maps have evolved dramatically beyond the trusty TripTiks of our youth. Now they're showing business executives the right path.

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Esri Adds an Emphasis on Social Science

Esri’s new Social Science Collaborative aims to help social scientists use GIS more regularly, especially for qualitative analysis.

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