Search Results for: Managing GIS

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How Business Leaders Can Follow Through on Racial Equity Commitments

As businesses pledge to address racial injustice, location intelligence points execs toward racial equity goals in the company and the community.

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Apple, Net Zero, Carbon Offsets, and Transparency

The global push to reduce carbon emissions gets a boost from Apple. Among some companies, a question of transparency lingers.

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Equity and Inclusion: A Publisher’s Journey with GIS

Publisher of Black Voice News finds ways to use GIS mapping to advocate for the voiceless while promoting corporate social responsibility.

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AT&T Taps Advanced Analytics to Map Decades of Climate Risk

A pioneering collaboration between AT&T and Argonne National Laboratory shows how climate risk mapping can strengthen business resiliency.

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2020: Six Predictions for a Shifting Business Climate

Business trends that will dominate 2020 and beyond begin with customer centricity, rely on automation, and produce better business strategies.

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This Mattress Company Woke Up to Digital Transformation

An inside look at digital transformation, as executives reinvent a business through dependable data and location intelligence

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What Generation Z Wants from Work, Where

Buffeted by political and economic turmoil, the next wave of engineers and business professionals seek job stability with a domestic focus.

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How Data-Driven John Deere Wins the Market

Ag equipment trailblazer John Deere has turned the art of market development into a science with AI-based analysis of location data.

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Tracking a Minor Ingredient with a Major Impact on Business

Inside the battle for sustainable production of an ingredient in many foods and beauty products.

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Instant Payments Could Change How and Where We Bank

With access to instant payment transfers, banks and customers will discover opportunities in overlooked places.

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A Modern Labor Renaissance: Where Is It Happening?

Fresh energy from Millennials and digital platforms are poised to transform the geographic and demographic complexion of the labor movement.

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Apple, Trade Tensions Underscore Need for Supply Chain Visibility

When a much-discussed global company considers moving production to avoid a trade war, others take stock of their supply chain visibility.

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