Search Results for: Managing GIS

displaying 3148 results

Taking a More Granular Look at Tourism

Horry County, South Carolina, uses Insights for ArcGIS to analyze trends and make predictions.

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Reducing the Risk of Avalanches with GIS and Machine Learning

With advanced geospatial technology, Colorado agencies can identify snowslides before they happen.

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The Years of Living Dangerously

Though Nadika Senadheera sometimes ventures to dangerous places, her passion for GIS and feeding the hungry keeps her on the front lines...

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4-H to Host GIS-Oriented Youth Science Event

Mapping will be front and center during 4H National Youth Science Day on October 9, 2013.

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Immerse Yourself in GIS Close to Home

Esri is gearing up to host major regional user conferences in Lima, Peru, and Munich, Germany.

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Teachable Moments

How did you celebrate GIS Day? Your peers report how the projects they pursued.

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Seeing Green in the Scenic Chattanooga Region

Thrive Regional Partnership is using geodesign technology and methodology to plan smartly and sustainably.

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A Transformational Esri UC

Recording artist is into much more than music: the founder of the Black Eyed Peas calls himself a “tech enthusiast” .

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Syncing with a Fast-Changing World

In the new frontier of real-time GIS, Esri's ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor for Server ingests data streaming in from sources such as...

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Top 10.2 Take-aways from the Esri International Developer Summit

Data feeds for your GIS go real time. Maps in your tablets and smartphones go offline.

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Web Map Aids in Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts

Len Bundra, from Toms River Municipal Utilities Authority (TRMUA), built an online map that became a go-to information source for homeowners.

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Serving Imagery Quickly in Times of Disaster

The South Carolina Air National Guard quickly processed satellite imagery after Hurricane Irene by using GeoImaging Tools for ArcGIS...

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