Search Results for: Equity

displaying 283 results

Esri Press

New books from Esri Press make the business case for GIS, help readers plan for future public health events, introduce Web GIS, and more.

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An Important Meeting of the Minds

The Esri Science Symposium at the Esri User Conference is a unique event that showcases how science and geospatial technology intersect.

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Connecting Online Is Connecting Geographers

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, AAG has offered more than 100 varied events online. Here’s what the organization has learned.

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Advancing Ethics in Mapmaking

It is up to professional mapmakers to ensure the integrity of their maps and the underlying data.

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Cartographic Engagements in a Postvirtual World

A recent ICA conference on atlases, toponymy, and map design energized attendees, and several other events this year aim to do the same.

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Esri Press

New books include one from the Jane Goodall Institute that details its holistic method for conservation, plus others on mapping and GIS.

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Giving Students a Dynamic, Shareable Work Space with ArcGIS Notebooks

Days before the summer 2020 term began, a university lecturer adopted an asynchronous remote learning approach. Notebooks made it work.

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A University That Speaks the Language of Spatial Data

Students need opportunities to learn about data, and companies need to invest in data literacy. That’s where UMass Global comes in.

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Biodiversity Matters to Everyone, So Let’s Protect It

The natural world is under siege. Join some of the geospatial causes aimed at reducing biodiversity loss and protecting the planet.

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The Standouts

Nespresso, the Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium, and the University of Michigan won the top awards at the 2021 Esri UC.

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Fire Department Improves Hydrant Inspections with ArcGIS Field Maps

The all-in-one app enables firefighters to easily find asset information, collect and edit data on the go, and report real-time locations.

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Geoethics in the Geospatial Community

A new webinar series explores a range of ethical issues associated with location information and geospatial technologies.

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