ArcGIS Online

September 2019

Use the Minimal Gallery App to Create a Simple, Card-Based Gallery

By Bern Szukalski

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Minimal Gallery is a configurable group-based app in ArcGIS Online that gives you the ability to create a simple, card-based gallery. Minimal Gallery presents a collection of maps, scenes, and apps as cards in a clean and simple design. The cards can be configured to display a variety of information in different ways. The app is designed to be used as a stand-alone gallery, or it can be embedded in a web page.

Minimal Gallery includes several easy-to-configure components, including the following:

A. A configurable title area that’s editable

B. An option to open the group

C. A configurable item type panel with configurable type colors

D. Cards that can be configured in a variety of ways—toggling title, item info, owner, item summary, type label, and more.

Make a Gallery Using the Minimal Gallery App

Follow these steps to configure and share your own gallery.

Step 1: If you’ve not done so already, create a group, then add the content you want to use. As a best practice, ensure that your group and the items within it have a good thumbnail, summary, and description.

Step 2: Review the group sharing filters.  Click the group Settings tab.

Review Who can view this group? in Settings. For public access, ensure that the group and its contents are shared publicly. Choose the other settings for use either within your organization or with group members only.

Step 3: From the group Overview tab, click Share.

Step 4: In the Share dialog box, click Create a Web App.

Step 5: Choose the Minimal Gallery app.

Step 6: Click Create Web App.

Step 7: Enter a title and tag(s) and, optionally, a summary. Then click Done.

This opens the configuration panels for the app.

Step 8: Configure the app as desired.

Click the General, Theme, and Options tabs to make changes. Click Save to apply your changes; they will be seen in the preview on the configuration panel. When finished, click Close.

To learn more about the Minimal Gallery app and how to configure it, visit the Minimal Gallery item pages or read the ArcGIS Blog post “From groups to gallery apps.”


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