

Working Beyond Borders: GIS for Geospatial Collaboration

By Jill Saligoe-Simmel and Maria Jordan

Working Beyond Borders: GIS for Geospatial Collaboration describes how government agencies, industries, and other organizations use location intelligence and GIS to help people work together and respond to critical issues such as climate change, sustainable development, racial equity, emergency management, conservation, and public health and safety. This title is one of the books in the Applying GIS series. The series helps readers become spatial thinkers and apply location intelligence to various professions, industries, and disciplines. Esri Press, 2024, 140 pp., Print ISBN: 9781589487628 and ebook ISBN: 9781589487635

Fieldwork Handbook: A Practical Guide on
the Go

By Marika Vertzonis

Fieldwork Handbook: A Practical Guide on the Go is a guide for increasing productivity and becoming more efficient using GIS. This practical fieldwork guide covers preparation, equipment, workflows, and data. It offers best practices for optimizing operations and effectively coordinating resources when making observations, monitoring conditions, or taking samples. The author is a product engineer at Esri whose work focuses on the research and development of field apps. Prior to coming to Esri, Vertzonis worked for local government, regional water authorities, and engineering consulting firms as a GIS professional. Esri Press, 2024, 200 pp., Print ISBN: 9781589487178 and ebook ISBN: 9781589487185

Prepare, Respond, Renew: GIS for Wildland Fire

By Anthony Schultz, Matt Ball, and Matt Artz

Prepare, Respond, Renew: GIS for Wildland Fire is a collection of real-life stories about wildland fire agencies that have successfully used GIS to apply the geographic approach to resilience strategies. The threat from wildfire has increased due to patterns of housing development and climate change. GIS helps model how wildfires spread depending on weather, geologic features, and human development. Through predictive analytics and mapping technologies, preemptive action can be taken to mitigate loss, respond quickly, and recover from wildfire. This book includes a section that provides ideas, strategies, tools, and actions to help jump-start the use of GIS for wildland fire management. Esri Press, 2024, 120 pp., Print ISBN: 9781589487703 and ebook ISBN: 9781589487727