
Briefly Noted

Generate Intelligent Map-Based Information, Instantly

Esri has acquired ClearTerra technology from Esri partner ClearShark, LLC, making it easier to map information contained in emails, briefings, and reports. With this technology, ArcGIS platform users can extract the geographic coordinates from unstructured textual data without having to spend hours reading, copying, pasting, and running spreadsheet formulas.

SAP, Esri Streamline IT Architecture

The SAP HANA platform is now a supported Esri enterprise geodatabase, which allows organizations to integrate, deliver, and access their spatial data all from one place.

A Complete Utility GIS Platform

The ArcGIS Utility Network Management extension is now available. A comprehensive solution to managing utility networks, the extension allows users to create, manage, and share complete data about a network’s entire infrastructural supply chain—from the source to the customer. As an extension of ArcGIS Enterprise, users can manage their infrastructure in a secure environment across the ArcGIS platform.

Esri Contributes Generously to Open Source

Esri encourages its developers to participate in the social coding platform GitHub. A recent InfoWorld article ranks Esri in the top 25 of contributing companies, based on the number of employees contributing code.