
World Geocoder for ArcGIS

Redlands, California—Esri released World Geocoder for ArcGIS today. World Geocoder for ArcGIS enables users to securely map global addresses behind a firewall so that sensitive data is never exposed. Geocoding adds location context to data so that it can be displayed on a map.

World Geocoder for ArcGIS has several key benefits for organizations in addition to protecting sensitive data. It includes an API that can be used to add geocoding capabilities to ArcGIS apps and custom apps. World Geocoder for ArcGIS has been designed to geocode addresses from multiple countries, using a single locator, for a flat, fixed price.

"Keeping sensitive customer data secure is a top priority for many organizations," said Esri president Jack Dangermond. "The ability to geocode this data quickly and accurately behind a firewall enables organizations to leverage spatial analysis and technology to better understand their customer information."

World Geocoder for ArcGIS can provide street-level information for data from over 100 countries. Using World Geocoder for ArcGIS, users can interactively locate addresses on a map, one request at a time; batch geocode many addresses at once; and reverse geocode based on provided coordinates. Organizations benefit from better customer insight and analytics while mitigating risky data exposure.

World Geocoder for ArcGIS is currently available. For more information, please visit

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