
Esri FedGIS Conference Showcases Cutting-Edge Technology Designed for Improving the Nation



The 2017 Esri FedGIS Conference


         Redlands, California—Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics, today announced that it will be hosting the twentieth annual Esri Federal GIS (FedGIS) Conference, to be held February 13–14 at the Walter E. Washington Center in Washington, D.C.

Esri president Jack Dangermond will kick off a series of talks by government users that explore the latest groundbreaking ways that government agencies are using spatial analysis technology to improve the nation and the world and make better-informed decisions. The conference is expected to host 4,000 attendees.

“Today’s complex issues require a new way of thinking,” said Jeff Peters, head of the national government sector at Esri. “Our users are leading the charge, using mapping and analytics to empower digital transformation, accelerate understanding of big data, and democratize technology. It is inspiring to see how they create more effective government and citizen services and improve public policy.”

The conference is the site for announcements about the innovative use of the Esri platform.

Users such as Loudoun County Government, Chesapeake Conservancy and ArdentMC will take the main stage on Monday, February 13 to discuss the groundbreaking ways users are applying the Esri platform to gain deep insight into data and create the maps and analytics that run the world. Keynote speaker David Yarnell, president and chief executive officer of the National Audubon Society, will speak at the conference on Tuesday, February 14. Other organizations will be providing use cases and best practices during workshops.

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