
Esri Teams with the GISCI to Strengthen ConnectED Initiative

Redlands, California—One of the priorities identified in President Obama’s ConnectED Initiative is the support of teachers to advance digital learning. With Esri’s recently announced commitment to donate ArcGIS Online accounts to every public and private K–12 school in the United States, GIS professionals are needed to help local teachers learn the foundational science.

Esri has joined forces with the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) to recruit Certified GIS Professionals (GISPs) to serve as GeoMentors, who will work with local schools to help them set up and learn to use their ArcGIS Online accounts.

GISCI is the leading certification body for the GIS profession. Over 5,500 GISPs have demonstrated the requisite education, experience, contributions to the profession, and commitment to competent and ethical practice since the certification institute was founded in 2004.

GISCI is urging current and aspiring GISPs to volunteer as ConnectED GeoMentors. Through this volunteer project, they will earn points toward initial GISP certification or renewal. GISP GeoMentors will be required to help set up ArcGIS Online accounts at local schools and tutor teachers on ArcGIS Online use and administration. Esri will provide training and other educational resources to prepare GeoMentors for their work with local schools.

Esri established the GeoMentor program in collaboration with the National Geographic Society in 2009. For more information, visit

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