
Esri Supports OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard

Redlands, California— Esri announces the support of the new Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) GeoPackage Encoding Standard. This new OGC specification defines GeoPackages for exchange and GeoPackage SQLite Extensions for direct use of vector geospatial features and/or tile matrix sets.

Esri actively participated in the development of this standard and was one of the very early adopters of the specification – supporting it even before it was approved by OGC membership as a final standard.

"Esri continues to add support for many open and interoperable data sources," says Keith Ryden, Esri software development team member, who led Esri’s work on GeoPackage and worked on the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), standard. "Adding GeoPackage support was a natural progression to our previous support of OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS, and OGC KML. We are committed to making our users successful, and we had users interested in Esri’s early support of GeoPackage, so we ended up supporting even the draft specification prior to its becoming an OGC standard. We will be interested to see how popular the use of GeoPackage becomes."

For more information on Esri support for OGC GeoPackage, visit

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