
Esri Shares a Vision for the Connected Car at CES 2017

Redlands, California—Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics technology, announced its participation at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Esri joins Microsoft’s connected car showcase alongside IAV, NXP, Cubic Telecom, and Swiss Re.

CES is a global consumer electronics trade show that draws more than 165,000 people to Las Vegas every January.

The future of driving is connected and personalized. Attendees visiting the showcase will get a firsthand look at the ways that artificial intelligence and wireless communications enable personalized in-car experiences, how cars securely talk to other cars, and how automobiles monitor what is happening in their surroundings to improve safety.

WHO: Frits van der Schaff, Head of Automotive, Esri

WHAT: At the trade show

WHERE: Booth NP-2, Gold Lot, Las Vegas Convention Center North Plaza—International Consumer Electronics Show

WHEN: January 4–8, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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