
Esri Publishes Human Geography Textbook That Uses ArcGIS Online

GIS Provides Deeper Insight into People and Location

REDLANDS, Calif.—February 26, 2019—Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, today announced the publication of Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online. The book is written by professor and author J. Chris Carter, who has been teaching human geography and GIS for more than 15 years.

Pushing readers to better understand the human society and its impact on our planet, this college-level textbook challenges students to ponder the why of where with questions such as these: How do physical features contribute to unique places and regions? What can local obesity rates tell us about food access? Why do people live where they do? How might we anticipate—and mitigate—conflict? What data are we missing? Are there patterns, and if there are, where?

Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online includes exercises in employing Esri’s ArcGIS Online software application to explore the essential themes of human geography, including population and migration, economic activity, language and religion, and humans’ impact on the environment. Most maps in the book include links that enable instructors and students to explore the data and see how it applies to where they live. ArcGIS Online exercises enable students to run spatial analysis on data from the United Nations, World Bank, US Census Bureau, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other organizations. Creative instructors can even customize the exercises.

Introduction to Human Geography Using ArcGIS Online is available in print (ISBN: 9781589485181, 440 pages, US$74.99) and as an e-book (ISBN: 9781589485198, US$74.99). Both editions can be obtained from most online retailers worldwide. The print edition is also available for purchase at or by calling 1-800-447-9778. If outside the United States, visit for complete ordering options, or visit to contact your local Esri distributor. Interested retailers can contact Esri book distributor Ingram Publisher Services.


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Esri, the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping, offers the most powerful geospatial cloud available. Since 1969, Esri has helped customers unlock the full potential of data to improve operational and business results. Today, Esri software is deployed in more than 350,000 organizations including the world’s largest cities, most national governments, 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and more than 7,000 colleges and universities. With its pioneering commitment to geospatial information technology, Esri engineers the most advanced solutions for digital transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics. Visit us at

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