
Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects Brings Location Analytics to the Enterprise

Redlands, California—Esri today announced the release of Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects, a new solution that brings the power of location analytics to SAP BusinessObjects. Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects lets you integrate dynamic maps directly into SAP BusinessObjects dashboards for fast and efficient analysis, visualization, and sharing of key business data.

"People gain new insight and make better decisions when they can easily map data and take advantage of location analysis," says Jack Dangermond, president, Esri. "Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects adds instant value to the business data you work with every day. It provides easy integration with the Esri location platform."

Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects lets people pull together location data from multiple sources. People can visualize previously disparate data on one map directly inside a BusinessObjects dashboard. No coding is necessary.

Moreover, the solution drives advanced analytics and exploration using information-rich maps. Businesses of every stripe can quickly assess performance using numerous map visualizations of business data, such as color-coded (thematic) mapping, clustering of data, and heat maps. The resultant business maps make it easy to spot trends within seconds that might otherwise be missed, such as sales areas that could be underperforming or exceeding quarterly objectives.

Professionals can use maps to filter and update results in other dashboard charts and tables on the fly. For example, select regions or points on the map you want to explore, and quickly see the corresponding data selected throughout your dashboard.

Product Pricing and Availability

Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects is a new addition to the Esri Location Analytics family, which includes Esri Maps for IBM Cognos, Esri Maps for MicroStrategy, Esri Maps for Dynamics CRM, Esri Maps for Office, and Esri Maps for SharePoint. Multiple deployment options are available based on the needs of the organization, whether it needs a solution that is completely on-premises or one that leverages online content and services. Contact your regional Esri office for details.

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