
Esri Gears Up for DistribuTECH

Esri’s utility industry experts are prepping for the DistribuTECH Conference and Exhibition, an event centered on crucial transmission and distribution issues such as smart grid, energy efficiency, demand response, and renewable energy integration. DistribuTECH will be held January 29–31, 2013, in San Diego, California. Bill Meehan, Esri’s director of utility solutions, will present "What’s Next for Utility GIS?" on January 29 at 3:00 p.m.

"Utility GIS is transforming with the emergence of the cloud, smartphones, tablets, and web services," Meehan said. "I will look into the not-so-distant future to show the DistribuTECH crowd how to extend GIS capabilities to support many utility workflows. I will also discuss some of the obstacles that inhibit the full use of GIS."

Attendees will be able to visit Esri at booth 3139 to meet the people behind the world’s leading geospatial technology for utilities and glean high-tech tips for smart grid implementation, lidar analysis, and emergency management.

This year, Esri is also a sponsor of the Electric Light & Power Executive Conference, to be held in San Diego just before DistribuTECH, where industry leaders will come together to discuss utility challenges and opportunities.


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