
Esri Encourages GIS Community to Join CodeAcross 2014

Redlands, California—Esri is a proud sponsor of Code for America’s third annual CodeAcross, which will be held February 21–23. This year’s theme, Beyond Transparency, focuses on making open data actionable. Esri is calling on volunteers domestic and international to share their knowledge and expertise during this event to advance open government initiatives.

Esri is committed to strengthening open data efforts. Earlier this month, the company revealed an open data initiative for ArcGIS Online that allows organizations to create custom, open data websites.

"Moving open government forward is important," says Esri president Jack Dangermond. "Supporting Code for America is a great way to promote the innovation we need to make cities more efficient, open, transparent, and democratic."

CodeAcross will take place from Asheville, North Carolina, to Melbourne, Australia, and coincide with International Open Data Day on February 22.

"This is a great way for GIS professionals to make a difference in their communities," says Christopher Thomas, Esri’s director of government markets. "It’s a chance to do something you love while benefiting others."

In addition to sponsoring the event, Esri provides tools participants can use to build location-aware applications through ArcGIS for Developers. This rich resource includes data content, APIs, template galleries, geocoding and directions services, and links to sample code on GitHub. CodeAcross participants can explore this comprehensive website prior to the event to maximize their experiences.

To learn more about CodeAcross, visit

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