
Esri and Leidos Modernize Intelligence Data Production

Redlands, California—Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics, today announced that it has received over 30 compliance certificates from the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), for its ArcGIS 10.5 platform. These certificates of compliance cover a wide variety of OGC implementation standards, which allow customers, especially within the geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) community, to work more collaboratively.

The OGC standards Esri has implemented make sharing location-based data insight easier within an enterprise as well as with other organizations that use software and services that are certified OGC compliant.

“The purpose of the OGC Compliance Program is to increase interoperability of system components while reducing technology risks,” said Mark Reichardt, president of OGC. “Buyers gain confidence that a compliant product will work with another compliant product based on the same OGC standard—regardless of the provider. Esri has been a longtime and active member of the OGC and is committed to open standards compliance. This is evident in their current product release, which has received over 30 OGC compliance certifications.”

Esri is committed to pursuing an open platform approach to meet the implementation goals of its customers. As part of the open platform approach, Esri clearly recognizes the important role that standards play in fostering interoperability. As a Principal member of OGC, Esri has participated in innumerable OGC-sponsored interoperability initiatives explicitly geared toward increasing interoperability among vendors’ products.

“Esri has been a longtime supporter of the OGC and the OGC Compliance Program,” said Jack Dangermond, president and CEO of Esri. “The work of the OGC is important to our customers, many of whom rely on the ability to exchange information across multiple product implementations. We have been an active member of OGC from the very beginning.”

ArcGIS 10.5 is next generation analytics technology for innovative organizations and arrives at a time when government and business are challenged to make sense of enterprise data, big data, and the Internet of Things. ArcGIS allows users to gain insight and share the knowledge in intuitive ways in any industry, from commercial to infrastructure to defense and intelligence.

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