
Build Smart Mapping Apps for Windows Desktop, Windows Store, and Windows Phone

Redlands, California—Esri today announced the release of its first commercial version of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework. This software development kit (SDK) joins Esri’s impressive line of Runtime products, including iOS, Mac OS X, Android, Java, Qt, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET has been built as a new, shared API across native app platforms promoted by Microsoft.

Using the new ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET, developers can integrate ArcGIS into Windows apps for desktop and mobile platforms. The SDK includes a wide range of online or offline mapping functionality including editing, routing, geocoding, spatial analysis, and data visualization.

Windows Store apps are new types of apps that run on Windows 8.1 devices and emphasize streamlined content with a consistent, touch-friendly user experience. Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 support a shared development experience to build universal apps on a common Windows Runtime. ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET lets developers use XAML and C# to embed ArcGIS capabilities into location-aware, universal apps for the latest Windows devices.

To get an app to market quickly, developers can use the same development and deployment model across all the Esri ArcGIS Runtime SDKs with unified licensing. Download any of the Runtime SDKs at no cost and get access to Basic and Standard functionality for development and testing purposes. To deploy an app for offline use, applications must be licensed at the Standard level.

WPF developers also can migrate new and existing applications created with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF to the new ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET.

For more information on ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET or to get started, visit

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