
The Value of Esri Technical Certifications, Supported Organizationally

In recent years, the market for certified employees has expanded as hiring professionals realize the value that certification can bring to an organization.

“Trust goes a long way, and certification is a form of validation that everyone can rely on in the marketplace,” said Evert Verveer, the training business manager at Esri Netherlands, which now encourages employees, on an organizational level, to get certifications.

Esri Netherlands saw that its clients were beginning to set standards around certification, indicating that advice from certified individuals was highly regarded.

“Increasingly, customers are starting to see the value of certification, and, in turn, we are seen as a partner with expertise and highly valued advice,” said Verveer.

Esri Netherlands now requires all its instructors to hold an Esri Technical Certification to inspire confidence in users who take training courses with them. Currently, the distributor has more than 50 certified employees on staff.

Esri Technical Certification is an industry benchmark by which people’s skills and experience in using ArcGIS software can be validated. Having a technical certification allows individuals to showcase their expertise and differentiate themselves in the IT industry. It also enables employers to verify proven skill sets.

Making Esri Technical Certification part of an employee development plan, like Esri Netherlands has done, has far-reaching benefits for an organization. Not only does it foster a stronger and more confident workforce, but it also expands expertise beyond just a few people in an office or from one company.

“Our staff are seen as experts in their area of certification, and being certified encourages others to seek certification,” said Verveer.

Part of establishing certification as a central component of employee success involves making space for them to prepare for an exam. Since that process varies from person to person, Esri offers a wide range of resources to support individuals as they define their experience levels and identify any knowledge gaps.

“Preparation is the most important matter, and we emphasize taking time to prepare for an exam properly,” said Verveer. “Esri has a lot of resources available, such as specific training courses, e-Learning, sample exam web courses, and online resources. We also encourage our staff to discuss their preparation with someone who has already achieved an Esri Technical Certification so they can hear a success story before attempting it for themselves.”

For Esri Netherlands, technical certification is an ongoing and strategic activity to make other organizations aware of the benefits of certification. This not only makes it easier for those customers to seek out specific types of experts on the Esri Netherlands staff, but it oftentimes also encourages them to look at certifying their own GIS staff as a means of keeping up with current industry standards and best practices.

Verveer understands that having well qualified and certified staff members means that clients will trust Esri Netherlands’ advice and rely on its employees’ skills, knowledge, and experience so they can focus on other organizational decisions.

For Verveer and his team, implementing an organization-wide strategy to get employees to undertake Esri Technical Certifications has elevated the work that Esri Netherlands does and transformed its staff into highly sought-out GIS advisers and partners. Any team can do the same.

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