ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst

Included with the Professional Plus user type

Advanced spatial interpolation methods

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Collection of different ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst models and data

Advanced spatial interpolation methods

ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst is an extension for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise that employs spatial interpolation techniques to generate precise and dependable estimates for unknown locations by leveraging measured values from known sample locations. Compare and better interpret geostatistical model results by taking advantage of numerous utilities. 

Find the most suitable prediction model by automating the selection process. ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst provides the essential tools needed to predict and model spatial phenomena, making it a key resource for professionals in fields such as environmental analysis, precision agriculture, and petroleum and mining exploration.

Extensive toolbox for spatial interpolation

Fill in data gaps, create predictions, and provide a more complete understanding of spatial patterns with an extensive toolbox of deterministic and geostatistical interpolation methods. Validate your prediction results with the interpolation model and estimate the margins of error with built-in tools.

The following geostatistical interpolation methods are available: 

  • Inverse distance weighting (IDW)
  • Interpolation with barriers
  • Kriging and cokriging
  • Empirical Bayesian kriging (EBK)
  • EBK regression prediction
  • Areal interpolation
  • Empirical Bayesian kriging 3D

3D spatial interpolation model showing various data points

How it works

Explore data

Use maps and charts to examine the statistical and spatial properties of the input datasets to decide which interpolation models to use.

Model spatial correlation

Use a semivariogram to model spatial correlation in the input data, make predictions using the fitted model, and quantify the uncertainty.

Photo of a heat map and the Geostatistical

Validate and compare results

Create and fit multiple different candidate models and validate and compare the results using criteria to choose the best model.

Two different candidate models side by side showcasing data

Share and communicate

Export your prediction results as contour lines, polygons, raster, and more to inform decision-making. Share analysis results and workflows within your organization.

One image of a 3D model and one image of an heat map with data points

Spatial interpolation in ArcGIS

Learn about the new tools added in the Geostatistical Analyst extension.

Read the blog

Access the capabilities of this extension

Included with the Professional Plus user type

The Professional Plus user type is a comprehensive license that includes access to ArcGIS Pro Advanced, the most popular ArcGIS Pro extensions, and many other ArcGIS capabilities on web and mobile devices. With Professional Plus, you can perform thorough analysis, create 2D/3D production-ready cartography, utilize artificial intelligence (AI) workflows, build custom apps, and automate your workflows.

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A digital image of earth with blue water and green land with a series of round icons surrounding it

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