ArcNews Online

Summer 2009

New and Updated Content in ArcGIS Online 9.3.1

The latest ArcGIS Online changes and updates include a new imagery service based on Landsat imagery and a reduction in price for the USA Prime Imagery map service from $500 to $200 for an annual subscription. ArcGIS Web mapping APIs for JavaScript, Flex, and Microsoft Silverlight are also now available to assist users in rapid Web application development.

ArcGIS 9.3.1 users now have the ability to easily access Microsoft Virtual Earth services. ArcGIS Desktop users who are current on maintenance have free access to Virtual Earth during their maintenance year with a large allotment of transactions per year. Users can also purchase an annual subscription with unlimited transactions. ArcGIS Server users have access to a built-in 90-day evaluation of Virtual Earth, after which they can purchase annual subscriptions with blocks of 100,000 transactions. ArcGIS Explorer users who have an existing ArcGIS Desktop license can share the free transactions allotted to the ArcGIS Desktop license. ArcGIS Explorer users who do not have an existing ArcGIS Desktop license can evaluate Virtual Earth for 90 days, then purchase an annual subscription with unlimited transactions. Virtual Earth services include imagery, streets, and imagery with street labeling (hybrid). ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Web mapping APIs include access to Virtual Earth geocoding.

ArcGIS Online now also provides World Geocoding, World Routing, and World Drive Time services. World Geocoding is a set of standard, no-cost services that provide address, reverse, and limited batch geocoding for North America (United States and Canada) and Europe, and world place-finding capabilities. Users who need to batch geocode, that is, save geocodes for more than 1,000 addresses per year, or who would like to use this service for commercial purposes, can purchase annual subscriptions that include blocks of 25,000 batch geocodes.

World Routing supports point-to-point and optimized routing for North America and Europe. This standard, no-cost service includes 5,000 routes per year. A fee-based service with no limitations that can be used for commercial purposes is also available. World Drive Time is available as a premium, fee-based service and calculates drive-time polygons using an input location and drive-time values.

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