Esri Legal

Web Link and Logo License Agreement

Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), will grant you a personal, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to hyperlink ("Link") your Internet Web site to Esri's Internet Web site, and/or use Esri's Web Link Logo ("Link Logo") as part of your Internet Web site subject to the following terms and conditions:

You must accept all terms and conditions in this Agreement. To indicate your acceptance, you will be asked to click the button marked "I Accept" following this Agreement.

  1. You must include the following notice on any World Wide Web (WWW) page you create that includes the Link or the Link Logo: "Esri and the Esri Logo are licensed trademarks of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc." This Agreement gives you no rights to any intellectual property of Esri, and in particular, no rights to distribute Esri software.
  2. You may only use the licensed Link Logo. No other Esri logo, obtained from Esri's Web page or any other Esri or non-Esri source, may be used.
  3. You may not use the name "Esri", the Link, or the Link Logo to disparage Esri, its software, data, and/or services in any way that in Esri's sole business judgment and discretion may diminish or damage the goodwill in Esri's name or Link Logo, including, but not limited to, uses that could be deemed obscene, pornographic, or excessively violent, or to encourage unlawful activities.
  4. You may not alter the appearance of the Link Logo. The Link Logo must stand by itself and must include a minimum amount of 30 pixels of empty space around it so as to avoid unintended associations with any other objects including, but not limited to, type, photography, borders, and edges. You may not use the Link Logo as a feature or design element of any other logo.
  5. You may not use the name "Esri", the Link, and/or the Link Logo in any manner that implies Esri sponsorship or endorsement of your products, services, and/or Internet Web site.
  6. You may not display the name "Esri", the Link, and/or the Link Logo more prominently than your company, product, Internet Web site name, or logo.
  7. Esri reserves the right to alter, modify, or discontinue the Esri Web page and Esri Link Logo at any time, at its sole discretion. Esri makes no warranty, whether express or implied, and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose related to Esri's Web page and/or services. Esri shall not be liable or obligated in any manner for any damages or other losses of any type whatsoever incurred by you in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement, and you hereby agree to waive such claims that you may acquire against Esri.
  8. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Esri, its officers, directors, employers, agents, and any of its affiliates for any loss or damage (including legal fees) caused to Esri arising out of your use of the name "Esri", the Link, and/or the Link Logo.
  9. Esri reserves the right to review your use of the name "Esri", the Link, and/or the Link Logo, and you agree to provide Esri unrestricted access to your site to review your use of the name "Esri", the Link, and/or the Link Logo. Esri may at any time, and in its sole business judgment and/or discretion, require you to discontinue your use of the name "Esri", the Link, and/or the Link Logo.

Fill out the Esri Web Link and Logo request and download the logo.