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Esri Blog Terms of Use
Thank you for your interest in Esri blogs. The intent of Esri blogs is to share information with the GIS community. We invite you to submit comments or posts for consideration.
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Do not use obscene, racist, or sexually explicit language. Personal attacks are not permitted. Esri reserves the right to remove submissions that are abusive, hateful, or defame or insult anyone. Esri also reserves the right to remove submissions that are off-topic or not in English.
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Posts of a commercial nature designed to promote a service or product will be deleted. You may link to other informational Web sites when relevant to the discussion.
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Links to articles or other blogs.
When relevant to the discussion, Esri encourages you to link to articles, Web sites, or blogs that help others see examples of how GIS is used. Do not link to commercial sites.
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You acknowledge and agree that Esri is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources.
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Podcasts Terms of Use
Esri podcast feeds are available for use free of charge. Attribution to Esri must be provided in connection with your use of any podcast feed. By using an Esri feed on your site, you agree to the Esri Proprietary Rights.
Journalists and Press Agencies Terms of Use and Guidelines
The information contained in press releases is the exclusive property of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), and any respective copyright owners. This work is protected under United States copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions.
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Esri reserves the right to withdraw permission to publish or download images and screen shots.
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All images and screen shots remain the property of Esri and are covered under the Esri copyright.
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), is interested in receiving your permission to use your supplied materials ("Material[s]"), including drawings, illustrations, composites, photographs, slides, negatives, transparencies, video, film, videotape, film footage, maps, graphics, screenshots, or other printed and/or digital artwork, for commercial or educational purposes.
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If you or your organization agree with the foregoing, please provide your assent to the terms and conditions by replying to us in the comments of the post #esrisocial. On behalf of Esri, we thank you and your organization for its assistance and contribution in promoting GIS awareness.
Social Media Full Terms of Use