Call Taking and Dispatch

Enhance situational awareness and collaboration with GIS.

Call taking and dispatch map and PSAP call taker

Improve PSAP call taking and dispatch

Emergency calls with dispatchable locations validated against locally-authoritative GIS data allow a telecommunicator to better assign first responders for a timely response. Real-time, up-to-date, and smart GIS maps improve call handling, 911 mapping, and computer-aided dispatch (CAD) so police, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) professionals can respond faster and better-equipped than ever before.

ArcGIS supports emergency call taking and dispatch

Locate callers anywhere

Calls to 911 can originate anywhere. Nearly 90 percent of calls to 911 in the United States are placed from cell phones, and 80 percent have Z-axis data. GIS can translate this information into dispatchable addresses and help first responders pinpoint caller locations within a building. When combined with detailed 2D and 3D maps, this intelligence can dramatically reduce response times.

Interior map of a building and wider campus view

Dispatch responders

Getting help to those in need requires knowing who to send. The closest unit may not be the most well equiped. A unit’s physical dimensions matter, as well as what it might encounter on the way to the scene—bridges, railroad crossings, and potential hazards. GIS can help dispatchers find the right responders to send and get them on scene as fast as possible.

Fire trucks

Gain insights faster

PSAPs and command and control centers around the world collect, store, analyze, and share huge volumes of data. With NG911, the amount of data available increases tremendously. Connect directly to your data with ArcGIS to uncover patterns, trends, correlations, and relationships. Gain visual insight to make command decisions easier.

ArcGIS Insights showing maps and charts

Migrate to the cloud

Call handling and CAD systems are migrating to the cloud for fast access to up-to-date authoritative maps and real-time data. Telecommunicators and first responders can use the exact same maps to improve collaboration, and administrators can save time and effort when updating GIS data used by PSAP and field applications.

Firefighter using a tablet at the scene of a fire to gather and share information

Innovate with Esri partners

ArcGIS is at the core of Esri partner technology that provides call handling, CAD, mapping, analytics, and emergency notification solutions. With these solutions, you can locate callers anywhere, both indoors and outdoors; quickly dispatch the best responders; better communicate with the public; and uncover patterns, trends, correlations, and relationships.

Two people looking at a mobile phone in a glass atrium


Using ArcGIS Insights for the PSAP

Map PSAP data with projection and location accuracy—turn addresses, coordinates, lines/boundaries, and insights into analytics, using ArcGIS Insights.

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