Open Science

  • Fighting the climate crisis together

    Learn about the benefits of incorporating GIS into your climate action planning, and consider making Esri your trusted partner in preserving green space, balancing human-made systems with the natural world, and strategizing for mitigation and adaptation.

  • Esri and the scientific community

    Esri supports the science community and strives to make scientific contributions of its own, as solid science underpins much of what Esri does as an organization. This has helped ArcGIS evolve into a comprehensive geospatial platform for science.

  • Esri's ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

    As a compelling part of Esri's science portfolio, this resource enables great mapping and analytics, secure sharing and collaboration, captivating science communication via storytelling, and an ecosystem where models and maps can be shared to further understanding.


Science events

Join Esri's collaborative user community at conferences, webinars, seminars, and events to learn about the latest advancements in science and geospatial technology.

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Explore Dawn’s story collection
Esri’s chief scientist Dawn Wright

Capabilities of ArcGIS: Your analysis platform for science

Spatial Analysis and Data Science

Derive spatial relationships, detect patterns, make predictions, and deploy intelligent apps. 

Explore spatial analysis

Advancing science for the planet

Explore all industries
Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences

Every day, the scientific community uses GIS to address 21st-century environmental challenges and understand the changing world.

Learn about earth sciences
Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Use smart maps and spatial analysis to better manage Earth's natural resources.

Learn about natural resources


Location intelligence and spatial analytics help you make any area thrive.

Learn about sustainability
Water Resources

Water Resources

Model, monitor, and predict surface and groundwater systems to understand how water quality and quantity are impacted.

Learn about water resources

Advancing science for people

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Higher Education

Higher Education

GIS impacts and transforms teaching, learning, research, service, and administration.

Learn about education
Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Better understand the spatial behaviors of fires, floods, and other natural hazards. Apply your science to inform emergency situational awareness and disaster response.

Explore emergency management
Health and Human Services

Health and Human Services

Fuse demographics and location data to better understand the links between infrastructure and challenges such as homelessness, poverty, and the needs of aging populations.

Learn about health

Special product licenses for scientific organizations