Call for Maps

Maps tell powerful stories that inspire, unite, and excite us through the lens of geography. Share your work with the GIS community and be featured in the Map Gallery.

New this year

When you submit your map, you will no longer need to choose a category. Categories will be assigned based on each submission so we can better celebrate your work through our shared love of maps.

Person with long cornrowed hair round glasses, and a yellow jacket smiles broadly against a yellow and blue abstract background

Eligibility and requirements

Map Gallery entries must showcase projects that used Esri software.

All submissions must include the following:

  • Title of map
  • Author name(s)
  • Primary contact information (email address and phone number)
  • Organization’s name
  • Esri products used
  • Data sources
  • A brief description of the map
  • A web-optimized digital map image file or URL (must be publicly accessible)
  • Image file: Minimum width and/or height of 1920 pixels; PDF, JPG, or PNG only

All maps will be reviewed. Accepted entries will be displayed at the conference and in the permanent online gallery.

Submissions must be noncommercial. At no time is it permissible for submissions to advertise or promote a product, service, or company.

Submit a map

How it works


Categories and criteria

Maps in this category communicate the geographic character of the mapped area and the locations of natural and cultural features within its extent. Reference maps are not concerned with the statistical or quantitative attributes of mapped features.

  • Informative: Key information is presented in a strong visual hierarchy
  • Detailed: Important details are available throughout the map and in the marginalia.
  • Accurate: Accuracy of every map element is part of the value of the map.

Maps in this category are interactive: the reader's input is required to deliver relevant information from web maps embedded in dashboards, web apps, mobile apps, or maps as stories. The maps give spatial context, but the app delivers key information through interactive tools or buttons.

  • Scalability: Maps work well at multiple scales.
  • Engaging and insightful: Interactions with the map reward the reader with useful details.
  • Meaningful visuals: Clean, intuitive maps, graphics and infographics clarify the data, not merely report numbers.

Posters or maps as stories in this category showcase the process and results of spatial analysis on a topic, bringing multiple data sources together in the process. Presented either online or in print, the value of spatial thinking is made apparent in these maps or apps.

  • Analytical technique: The right visualization technique is used for the data being portrayed.
  • Integration of data: Seamless combination of multiple data sources to reveal insights.
  • Clarity of results: Effectively communicates findings with compelling visualizations.

Entries in this category balance the need to communicate methodology with the skill of succinct elegant visual communication, presented either online or in print.

  • Transparency: Clearly conveys the methods and processes used to create the map.
  • Elegance in simplicity: Balances detailed explanation with visual clarity and brevity.
  • Educational value: Enhances the viewer’s understanding of the methodology behind the map.

Maps in this category have a professional layout that is well balanced, thorough in scope and scale (with overviews, insets, details), and has neatly organized elements like titles, copy, scale bars, and graphics. The map often sits within a layout like a painting within a frame.

  • Spatial organization: A balanced arrangement of map elements, ensuring clarity and harmony.
  • Supporting details: Inclusion (or exclusion) of well-designed titles, legends, scale bars, and annotations.
  • Complementary insets: Effective use of insets or additional visuals to provide detailed context.

Maps in this category focus on a specific theme by looking at the past or present to inform a community, encourage action, and support decision-making. Presented either online or in print, these maps deliver a focused story or message using an economy of words, images, and maps.

  • Focused: Shows a need or a response to a need.
  • Informative: Delivers the information the reader is most likely to ask about.
  • Spatial: Clearly discusses and shows the spatial characteristics of the topic.

These maps focus on a specific location and provide engaging details about it. They aim to fit as much information as possible within the available space. A thoughtful visual hierarchy with balanced composition and content is critical. Maps like these help readers understand the character, energy, and spirit of a place.

  • Thoughtful visual hierarchy: The arrangement of elements guides the viewer’s eye smoothly, emphasizing the most important information first.
  • Beautiful representation of place: The map captures the essence of the location through artistic style, color choices, and illustrative details.
  • Balanced composition and content: Every element, from labels to features, is carefully placed to avoid clutter while maximizing informative value.

Some maps ask and answer "What if?" Maps in this category plan or envision the future. Presented either online or in print, they show a specific world that could exist, bringing together a familiar place with a possible future.

  • Creative vision: The ability to depict speculative or hypothetical spaces convincingly.
  • Practical plausibility: A design that bridges imagination and actionable planning.
  • Visual coherence: Logical and visually consistent presentation of potential scenarios.

Maps in this category reveal a thoughtful and beautiful composition that balances clarity, communication, and loveliness. These creative and skilled expressions of artistic design can often get overlooked when deadlines loom.

  • Creativity in design: Innovative and aesthetically pleasing techniques that enhance the map’s visual appeal.
  • Attention to detail: Precision in styling, including textures, shading, symbology, and typography.
  • Expression: The map author breathes emotion and nuance into a stirring composition.

Maps in this category show notable effort and/or novel methods that improve map accessibility. Through use of effective colors, symbols, materials, labels, layout, or message, maps in this category make a clear attempt to reach additional audiences without compromising the map's purpose.

  • Color contrast and visibility: Effective use of color schemes that are accessible to individuals with color vision deficiencies.
  • Universal design elements: Clear labels, intuitive symbols, and layout considerations for diverse audiences, including those with visual or cognitive challenges.
  • Inclusive: While not a requirement, this map may focus on an audience not traditionally served by many maps.

Maps in this category draw interest and reveal a hidden truth through excellent use of new or advanced methods or effects. The pairing of technique to topic is what makes a map in this category stand out, presented either online or in print.

  • Innovative techniques: Use of advanced or novel cartographic methods that effectively present the data.
  • Impactful visualizations: Skilled and appropriate application of effects, 3D rendering, or animations that enhance understanding.
  • Technical excellence: Proficient use of software and tools to create a polished and effective map.

Maps in this category teach spatial concepts or topics with spatial factors. These maps create understanding through comparisons, examples, images, visualizations, interaction, or well-written text. Students are the target audience for maps in this category, presented either online or in print.

  • Educational: Shows spatial relationships, directions, distances, or other fundamental concepts of spatial thinking.
  • Relatable: Presents its information in a simple, visual way.
  • Fundamental: Teaches fundamental map skills by example.

Additional opportunities

Cover of the Esri Map Book, Volume 39

Esri Map Book

Please note, the requirements to be considered for the next volume of the Esri Map Book have changed.

  • You no longer need to leave your print map on display. Pick up your print map between 8:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 17
  • Include a description of three sentences or more for the Map Book review and select a Map Book category within your submission.
  • If your submission is a poster, a high-resolution upload (300 dpi) of the map within the poster is required.

Setup and check-in at the conference


Map Gallery setup hours

DateStart timeEnd time
Sunday, July 13, 202512:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
Monday, July 14, 20258:00 a.m.12:00 p.m.

Submit a map

Start your submission

Get your questions answered

Outside the United States