
Independent Report Highlights Esri as Leader in Global GIS Market

Redlands, California—ARC Advisory Group reports that Esri has a 43 percent share in the geographic information system (GIS) market, compared to just an 11 percent share from the second-largest supplier. ARC Advisory Group published its findings in an October market study and forecast through 2018.

"Esri is, without a doubt, the dominant player in the GIS market," the Geographic Information System Global Market Research Study authors stated.

The Esri business model relies on a constantly improving core GIS, on which more than 2,000 partners develop Esri industry-specific solutions. In electricity transportation and distribution, Esri’s partner-driven solution model, which combines Esri and Schneider Electric software, amounts to a total market share of 29 percent.

"Our success in the utility sector stems from Esri’s platform technology, which makes it easy for companies to share, communicate, and collaborate on location information throughout their businesses," Esri utilities solutions manager Bill Meehan said. "Partner solutions, such as those Schneider Electric provide, add additional capability to an already powerful platform."

Esri’s core GIS is used by more than two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies. The company’s technology helps businesses save money and make stronger decisions by adding a location strategy to operations. Esri’s ArcGIS platform has grown during the past 45 years to include cloud, mobile, server, dashboard, and firewall components in addition to its powerful desktop applications.

Partner solutions, such as Schneider Electric’s ArcFM, target utility-specific issues (e.g., regulatory compliance, critical-infrastructure management). Key partners include Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Oracle, Dell, HP, Citrix, and Lenovo.

Esri—with its partners—plays a leading role in more than 10 industries: electric power transmission and distribution (with partner Schneider Electric), engineering and business services, government, public health and safety, health care, natural resources, oil and gas refining, retail, telecommunications, transportation and logistics, and water/wastewater.

Esri is privately held by founders Jack and Laura Dangermond. Learn more about Esri at ARC Advisory Group is a separately owned and operated business and is not affiliated with Esri.

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