
Global demographic data for 170+ countries

A map of a coastal region shaded with yellow and blue data points overlaid with an aerial image of a crowd of people

Demographics help you understand people and population division. Demographics are available both globally and locally, with access to over 15,000 ready-to-use demographic data variables from more than 170+ countries around the globe. Dive deep into demographic trend analysis on topics such as world population growth, birth and mortality rates, and populous countries.

Global accuracy you can trust

Esri uses authoritative demographic sources to give you confidence in your data—globally and locally. Trust in data quality based on strong vintage and thorough methodology. Esri's data reliability score helps you know you are always accessing the best available data on the market. 

Satellite image of earth from space

Ready-to-use data without data prep

Experience the Esri difference with ready-to-use demographic data, any way you choose. Spend less time prepping data and more time for decision-making. Esri provides a variety of data formats to fit your needs, including demographic maps, data services, reports, infographics, and tabular data.

Digital map of an area with regions marked in blue squares and a small popup box showing a closeup of the map

Data release news

Read a recent article from Directions Magazine for an overview of what's next from Esri Demographics.

Read the article
Two parents, each carrying a child on their shoulders, enjoying a walk through a forested area

Understand people with demographics

Mix and match the data variables you choose. Esri's expansive global demographic portfolio offers a variety of demographic characteristics that scale from global to local.

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Learn more about the data

*Additional purchase may be required for use with ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise.

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