Esri Data

Accurately understand people and places with global and local location data

Access a global location data portfolio, vetted for accuracy by an expert team of data scientists, demographers, and geographers. Supplement your existing database with quality data variables from authoritative data sources. Ready-to-use datasets include demographics, behavioral and business data, environmental live feeds, places and movement data, high-quality imagery, and frequently updated basemaps.

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Satellite flying over Earth and man with a tablet in a field
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Data response to COVID-19

Learn how location intelligence technology and reliable data have helped businesses respond during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

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Know Your NeighborhoodSM
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Tapestry Segmentation
13.97% Boomburbs
Median Age
Household Size
Diversity Index
This is the new growth market, with a profile similar to the original: young professionals with families that have opted to trade up to the newest housing in the suburbs. The original Boomburbs neighborhoods began growing in the 1990s and continued through the peak of the housing boom. Learn More
10.4% Fresh Ambitions
Median Age
Household Size
Diversity Index
These young families, many of whom are recent immigrants, focus their life and work around their children. Fresh Ambitions residents have overcome the language barrier and earned a high school diploma. They work overtime in service, in skilled and unskilled occupations, and spend what they have on their children. Learn More
10.34% Home Improvement
Median Age
Household Size
Diversity Index
Married-couple families occupy well over half of these suburban households. Most Home Improvement residences are single-family homes that are owner occupied, with only one-fifth of the households occupied by renters. Learn More
Annual Spending Habits
Credit Debt
Medical Insurance
Disposable Income
Demographic Population
ZIP Code
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Know Your NeighborhoodSM

What can location intelligence reveal about your neighborhood? Let's find out!

Enter a ZIP code to unlock information about the populations in your neighborhood, including common behaviors, spending habits, and disposable income.

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Esri data can unlock powerful insights about people and places in an area of interest. Use the Know Your Neighborhood app to explore data by ZIP code.

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