
ArcGIS Knowledge at the Esri User Conference 2024

We are excited to talk with you about ArcGIS Knowledge at the Esri User Conference this summer! Come see the new Knowledge Studio web application just released along with other updates that improve web map integration and time-based analyses. And hear about our plans for the AI Graph Query Assistant on the way!

The Esri User Conference (UC) is one of the best opportunities we have to hear from you. Come talk to us about how this ArcGIS Enterprise capability extension is helping your organization connect, analyze and visualize large amounts of structured and unstructured data together within spatial knowledge graphs. We want to hear how else we can help expedite your workflows and decision making.

So pencil in time for one of our technical sessions or to talk to our product experts on the Expo floor. Or simply reach out to schedule a 1 on 1!

Technical Sessions

These ArcGIS Knowledge sessions are specifically dedicated to ArcGIS Knowledge and led by product team members.

For the who, when, where, and what details for these dedicated Knowledge sessions, ✨ open this custom UC agenda ✨.

Just login to the UC conference page to add them to your own schedule and then access in San Diego using the free Events application.

For the Public Safety & Intelligence Communities

If you are joining us at the Safety and Security Summit July 13-14 at the Hilton Ballroom, be sure to look out for the following demos and sessions:

And later in the week, check out:

Other Highlights Featuring Graph

Explore all sessions featuring ArcGIS Knowledge or graph analytics in the custom agenda linked below.

Drop by the Expo

Several product team members will be at our booth in the Spatial Analytics area during all Expo hours:

Also on the Expo floor, we also have Solution Engineer specialists at the Public Safety, Defense and Intelligence, and Natural Resources industry booths with industry specific demos.

We hope to see you there!


Why ArcGIS Knowledge

Organizations work better when analysts and managers have immediate access to their data in full context.  They can achieve this by bringing information about the people, places, sensors and concepts that matter together into a spatial knowledge graph, using spatial and logical relationships in a data model that is intuitive and in language of their business or mission.

By leveraging the combined power of spatial and graph analytics in spatial knowledge graphs, analysts can find hidden and important patterns in your data quickly. Using ArcGIS desktop applications, ArcGIS Knowledge Studio in the web and Knowledge APIs (REST, Python, JavaScript, .NET) your analysts, data scientists and data engineers can surface that key data quickly in full context to stakeholders and decision makers.

ArcGIS Knowledge extends ArcGIS Enterprise, enabling advanced data investigations and collaboration through spatial knowledge graphs.

Getting Started

Check out these resources to learn up before UC!

Not at UC but have a question? Email us at AskArcGISKnowledge @ esri [dot] com

About the author

Adam Martin is a Senior Product Manager focused on ArcGIS Knowledge and system interoperability. With more than fifteen years of entrepreneurial, government and private sector experience, he applies business and technology strategies as levers to improve government digital services and public decision making. Based in Washington, DC, he focuses on how ArcGIS connects “all the data” into knowledge graphs to find hidden patterns and relationships, provide quick context and accelerate decision making. He is also a proud dad, metadata hobbyist and consummate starter of things.

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